Giveaway Alert! : Build A Man by Talli Roland

The perfect man is out there . . . he just needs a little work.

Slave to the rich, rude and deluded, cosmetic surgery receptionist Serenity Holland longs for the day she's a high-flying tabloid reporter. Unfortunately, every pitch she sends out disappears like her clients' liposuctioned fat, never to be seen again. Then she meets Jeremy Ritchie -- the hang-dog man determined to be Britain's Most Eligible Bachelor by making himself over from head to toe and everything in between -- giving Serenity a story no editor could resist.

With London's biggest tabloid on board and her very own column tracking Jeremy's progress from dud to dude, Serenity is determined to be a success, even going undercover to gain intimate access to Jeremy's life. But when Jeremy's surgery goes drastically wrong and Serenity is ordered to cover all the car-crash goriness, she must decide how far she really will go for her dream job.

To celebrate the release of Talli Roland's book, Construct A Couple (Book #2 in the Serenity Holland series), which is out on e-book now, soon to be out in print, I'm having a giveaway, and wait for it - an INTERNATIONAL giveaway - which is my first! Talli is such a sweetheart, she agreed to help me with this, so I'm going to give out 2 copies of Build A Man on e-book, one in the UK and the other, well, anywhere in the world (as long as you can receive it on email!).

All you have to do is....
  • Follow me on Twitter (@ChickLitterKev)
  • Tweet me a number (1 to 1000) with the hashtag #BuildAManGiveaway
  • Like my Facebook page (I Heart Chick Lit)
  • Follow my blog
Easy, huh? So what are you waiting for? I'll choose the winner on so keep your fingers crossed because Talli's an AMAZING writer!
The giveaway ends on the 22nd of July 2012.


  1. I am following you on twitter (I'm @xxpaperhearts) and I posted a number to #BuildAManGiveaway. I also liked your facebook page. I'm following your blog through Google Friends Connect.

    Very excited about this giveaway because I've never read anything of hers before! I love international authors!


    -Jessica M

  2. I've completed all the above steps. Thanks for the giveaway!

    Sharn3960 (@) comcast (.) net

  3. I completed the steps for the giveaway.

    sendsusanmail AT gmail DOT com

  4. Thank you all for participating! x


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