Book Review : Forget About It by Caprice Crane

Forget About It by Caprice Crane
Published by : Little Black Dress (Headline) (4th Oct 2007)

The blurb:
You know life can't be going that well when getting hit by a car is the best thing that happens to you all week. But although not generally considered to be a Good Thing, for Jordan Landau, desperate to escape her nightmare family, her dead-end job, and most of all her lying, cheating boyfriend, it's the perfect opportunity to start over. Coming to in hospital after the accident she decides to fake amnesia and reinvent herself. It's goodbye to Jordan the pushover and hello to the life she's always dreamed of. 

But then the unthinkable happens and she has to start over for real. Now Jordan must decide what (and who) honestly makes her happy and figure out how best to live a truly memorable life...

What I thought about it:
I know, I know. I am aware that this title is about 6 years old, but I've been searching high and low for it since I've come across it ages ago. The thing about Malaysian bookstores, yep. You've got it. They suck, most of the time. So bear with me. I went book shopping in KL (the city!) last weekend and decided to go to a "new" shopping centre. OK, new for me. I've never been there but it's been open for business for a year or so. I stumbled across this baby and I was happy, you get the works.

I read the first chapter there and then and I knew I had to buy it. What's not to love about a book written by an author with a sharp and witty voice? So I finished up what I was reading and started on this gem immediately. Have you ever had the feeling when you finally get to read a book you've wanted to read for ages and then you get the chance to and you savour every page of it? OK, busted then.

Forget About It follows the story of Jordan Landau, who is fed up of her life - her love life is in the gutter as she has the world's worst boyfriend, her family is utterly crap as they treat her without an ounce of respect, her career is stagnant and her boss is a cow. So where does this lead her? No where. Then the perfect opportunity arises, amnesia. Or shall I say, "amnesia". By feigning remembrance, she permits herself a fresh start. A clean slate. A do-over. But without realising that everything comes with consequences.

To be honest, I really, really liked Jordan from the first chapter. Even when she was a little bit of a pushover. I loved how Caprice Crane managed to integrate humour and sarcasm into the dialogues of her characters, mainly Jordan and Todd. Oh, Todd. I really fell hook, line and sinker for Todd. Sweet, caring and utterly charming if not man slut, Todd. I had a brilliant time reading the book from Jordan's perspective, both Jordan BC and Jordan AD (you'll get the humour if you read it, so not going to spoil it for you!).

Some might argue that the beginning was a bit slow, but I reckon it's for the readers to learn about Jordan's life and how every aspect of it has affected her, before getting amnesia, that is. There were moments in the book where I whooped and grinned and laughed, that's when she got her life back round and kicked the butts of the "bullies" in her life. Major high five moment, if you ask me! Overall, I think that it was a fantastic read, but.. I know, I had to be the bearer of bad news, but.. as much as I rooted for Lovely Todd (I've taken the liberty to call him that as he is in face, a really lovely guy), however he doesn't end up with Jordan.

I loved it. It was clever, witty and really hilarious. It had me laughing out loud and at some parts, shocked at the bluntness of Jordan's witty remarks. And the verbal banter was genius! I would shake Caprice's hand for her outstanding effort in making me love her book, but that would be weird. But I think Caprice and I are going to be wonderful friends. I can tell. You know what? Forget About It reminds me of Gemma Burgess's (one of my utmost favourite authors) books. Enough said. Go get it. I dare you not to laugh. I highly recommend it!

Rating: 5/5

MEGAN FOX as Jordan
I like Megan. She reminds me of Caprice and technically, all authors imagine themselves as their heroines, there.

I'm sorry. I couldn't resist. I find him the perfect Todd. Emily Blunt, you lucky cow.


  1. I am definitely suggesting that "Forget About It" be our next read in our book club; it seems like a fun book! We just read “Secrets of a Spiritual Guru” by Tamara Lee Dorris. Check out her website, and some of the other books she’s written! Thanks for the review!

    1. Thank you Marie! Appreciate the mention.

      Now to read this new one! Thank you for bringing this title to my attention too!

  2. Oh Kevster, why would it be a bad thing to be reading older books? I haven't even heard of this one so I'll at least get something out of your review! :D
    See? I even went and wishlisted it.

    1. Hurrah hurrah! Thanks, Hannah. It's hilarious, trust me. I miss it already!


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