Review - Techbitch by Lucy Sykes and Jo Piazza

Techbitch by Lucy Sykes and Jo PiazzaTechbitch
Publisher: Penguin (4th Jun 2015)

Imogen Tate, editor-in-chief of Glossy magazine, is a legend in the fashion world. But when she returns from a sabbatical to find her twenty-six-year-old former assistant, Eve Morton, behind her desk, she realises times are changing.

Armed with a business degree, naked ambition and an iPhone, Eve announces she has been brought in to turn Imogen's beloved magazine into an app. With herself at the helm.

In this terrifying new world, Imogen is almost invisible. In place of her team of dedicated staff is a constantly evolving line of twenty-something bloggers at their desks day and night ('Only losers need sleep!'), amateur snaps instead of elegant photo shoots, and a URL address in place of Imogen's glossy pages.

But Imogen isn't ready to give up her hard-earned career without a fight. Where Eve has Twitter followers, Imogen has experience, talent and real relationships, and she's prepared to fight for the fashion world she knows and loves. Even if it means going to war with a ruthless Techbitch...

When I found out about Lucy Sykes and Jo Piazza’s debut novel, Techbitch, I knew I had to read it. As a fan of books revolving around magazines (read: The Devil Wears Prada) I had a strong feeling about Techbitch and I could tell from the blurb that I would really enjoy this one. I mean, what’s not to love: fashion, magazines and pure bitchiness?

Techbitch is about Glossy, a top fashion magazine in New York City which has been transitioning into the digital age during its editor-in-chief, Imogen Tate’s absence. When Imogen Tate returns from her sabbatical, she finds her former assistant, Eve Morton calling the shots of her beloved magazine, who plans to digitalise the magazine and make it into an app. Now, Imogen doesn’t know what a tweet is and the only reason she’s on Facebook is to monitor her 10-year-old daughter’s activities online. It’s do or die for Imogen as she navigates the treacherous waters of the digital age.

Having loved The Devil Wears Prada, I had really high hopes for Techbitch as it sounds like it’s along the vein of the former and I couldn’t resist indulging myself in a delicious story like the one in Techbitch as it satisfied my craving for something with bite and sass. Techbitch, the brainchild of Lucy Sykes and Jo Piazza, had me either laughing out loud (or what Eve and the gang would say: LOL!) or snapping my fingers in approval. It is written with such charm and wit that you couldn’t possibly pass this gem up. Techbitch is the definition of delicious and sharp fiction with bite!

Get ready to immerse yourself in the tech savvy world where magazines are at the age of extinction and apps are the brand new thing. Follow Imogen Tate’s journey as she jumps on the bandwagon to upgrade her beloved magazine into an app, all the while battling her Techbitch of a co-boss. Immensely funny, alluringly chic and highly entertaining, Techbitch is the latest must-have if you know the difference between a Birkin and a pair of Birkenstorks.
 I'd like to thank Penguin for sending me a copy for review. Techbitch is also published as The Knockoff in the US. Techbitch is out now on paperback and eBook. Have you read it? Do share your thoughts about this one. I'd love to hear it!


  1. This sounds really good. thanks for the recommendation Kevin!

  2. That's so nice to hear! Thank you so much for reading my review and I hope you enjoy Techbitch! x


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