Top Ten Tuesday - Most Anticipated Releases For The First Half of 2016

TTTTop Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature run by the wonderful bloggers over at The Broke and the Bookish and this week, it is my first time participating so here goes! For more information regarding Top Ten Tuesday, please check out The Broke and the Bookish blog - they are amazing.

So this week's top ten list would be on my most anticipated releases of the first half of 2016. Trust me, after scouring the Spring/Summer catalogues, I could hardly level my heartbeat (be still, my beating heart) because THEY ARE FUCKLOADS OF AMAZING BOOKS that will be releasing next year.

1. A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas

ACOMAFI am not being biased at all. This is Sarah J. Maas we're talking about and her books are as awesome as crispy, golden nuggets. Bottom line is, they are amazing and I love them. So yes, A Court of Mist and Fury, which is the sequel to the spellbinding A Court of Thorns and Roses makes the list. I am not emotionally ready for the awesomeness that would entail in ACOMAF.

2. The Crown by Kiera Cass

I really enjoyed the first three books of The TCSelection series, but I wasn't that impressed with The Heir but since I've already started on the series, I guess I'll have to end it. And sadly, the cover of The Crown is my least favourite because there's something seriously wrong with the girl's eyebrows.

3. The Glittering Court by Richelle Mead

loved the Vampire Academy series. Period. TGCThe cover of The Glittering Court could stop a heart and it sounds amazing. Richelle Mead is expanding her writing to fantasy and I love fantasy! Let's see how this one goes!

4. Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard

Red Queen was quite a good debut novel and I liked the heroine, Mare. It was well-written GSbut it lacked a certain flair as I felt that there were certain "inspirations" from other best-selling books in the genre. But oh well, I would definitely read Glass Sword. Because I like the superpowers and the betrayal and bloody hell, the plot twist in Red Queen was a serious "are you shitting me?" moment. Looking forward to see what Victoria Aveyard has in store for us in Glass Sword.

5. Stars Above by Marissa Meyer

Stars above indeed. That's what I would call SAMarissa Meyer's gems. I adored Cinder and Scarlet and I've just started on CressStars Above is a collection of short stories from The Lunar Chronicles and if the cover isn't going to make you sigh and swoon, I think there's possibly something wrong with you.

6. Passenger by Alexandra Bracken

I've never read any of Alexandra Bracken's Passengerbooks but Sarah J. Maas recommends them. So I guess I'll start with Passenger as it sounds incredibly riveting and I love the cover. Yes, I admit, I am a cover whore.

7. The Shadow Queen by C. J. Redwine

TSQCan you please just take a look at the blurb of C. J. Redwine's new book and tell me that you don't want to read it? Please? Because I, for one, am going bonkers, waiting for it. Damn it, The Shadow Queen sounds amazing and it's a fairytale retelling. Which I love. I am SO GLAD that I've started reading YA. The only downside is that it's the first book of C. J. Redwine's new series, Ravenspire. Imagine the torment I have to endure, just waiting for the next book!

8. Truthwitch by Susan Dennard

Another recommendation by the wonderful Sarah J. Maas and I am Truthwitchbeginning to fall in love with the YA fantasy genre. Hello! It's about magic, witches and kick-ass heroines. That's already a winner for me. And it's the first book of the Witchlands series, God will help me cope after I've finished Truthwitch, wouldn't you, big man?

9. These Vicious Masks by Tarun Shanker and Kelly Zekas

TVMHOW CAN I RESIST SUCH A STUNNING COVER? And the best thing is, the description of These Vicious Masks on Amazon is "Jane Austen meets X-Men". Fuck me, take my money. I couldn't help but fall in love with the seductive cover too. Damn, SO many good books out in the first half of 2016.

10. Assassin's Heart by Sarah Ahiers

Another book that I am particularly excited AHabout is Assassin's Heart by debut novelist Sarah Ahiers. It's description says that it's Games of Thrones meets Romeo and Juliet but after reading the blurb, I detected a tinge of Throne of Glass. Therefore, Assassin's Heart makes it on the list. Yay. And isn't the cover cute? Yes.


  1. I actually have many of these on my own list, so excited for so many of them! Assassin's heart, however, I have not heard about until now. It sounds sooo awesome though! I love the Throne of Glass series, so I will definitely pick that one up.

    By the way, I loooove your theme! The blog looks super great! Have you made it by yourself or is it a free theme? :)

    xx, Isabell

  2. Hi, Isabell! Thank you for stopping by. You are too kind!

    Yes, it's a free theme by Wordpress. Nothing fancy. I just tweaked the fonts!

    2016 will be such an amazing year for books. I've got lots more of my list but since this is a top ten list, I had to narrow it down to ten! Are you a fan of Sarah J. Maas too? Awesome sauce!

    Kevin x

  3. Really? Mind telling me what the theme is called? Would be cool to check it out!
    And yes, I am a actually a big fan of Sara J. Maas! So far, I've only gotten to reading the first three books in the Throne of Glass series, but I will definitely check out all her other books. I have A Court of Thorns and Roses on my shelves, and hopefully, I will pick it up soon!
    This was just the first time checking out your blog, but I can't wait to see what more you have to offer. On top of that, you seem like a really nice and genuine guy. Can't get much better! :)

    xx Isabell

  4. I keep forgetting about The Glittering Court, which is annoying because I'm really looking forward to it! I agree with you about how strange the cover for The Crown is - it's a really disappointing end to a beautiful series of covers.

  5. Ooh, hello! I can't wait for The Glittering Court. Have you read the preview yet? Penguin shared it on Twitter.

    Yay! Someone who agrees with me. It's not a very good cover, sadly. The colour choice is fine but those eyebrows, damn girl.

  6. Assassin's Heart and A Court of Mist and Fury were both on my list this week!
    My TTT:

  7. I haven't read Bracken's previous series either (and to be honest, I didn't even read Passenger's synopsis for months) but here I am with a copy of Passenger and still cover lusting over the design on-and-under the cover.

    Joey via. thoughts and afterthoughts.

  8. Hello, Joey!

    I can't agree more with your list! Ha. I am particularly excited for Glass Sword - I need to find out what happens next!

    Thanks for stopping by, Joey! :)


  9. I am so pumped for the Glittering Court! It sounds so amazing and I have heard great things about Richelle Mead's novels.
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  10. Hey, Krystianna! Have you read Soundless? I wanted to pick it up but a few of my friends gave it mixed reviews. Hmm. Very much excited for The Glittering Court though!


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