Top Ten Tuesday [#5]

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie! It has been absolutely ages since I did a TTT post.

If you don't know what Top Ten Tuesday is, it's a weekly feature which was started by the amazing ladies over at The Broke and the Bookish!

This week, the theme is... Top Ten Books You've Added to Your TBR Pile Lately!

Considering the fact that I haven't been reading much lately due to the start of my third year in university, I have a few booksies that I recently got that I'm really excited to read them!


More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera

This book broke so many of my friends and since it's a book that has a homosexual MC, I'm totally up for it! One of the reasons why I haven't picked it up immediately was because it's a really sad book and I don't think I'm in the mood for something sad. Soon, I hope.

Pushing Perfect by Michelle Falkoff

From the blurb, this sounds like something that I might like so here's hoping that I would enjoy it!

A Shadow of Bright and Burning by Jessica Cluess

Magic and sorcery in Victorian London? Done. I'm sold. When can I read this?

November 9 by Colleen Hoover

Probably one of the most talked about books in 2015, I think. Well, as far as I know, it was huge. Many of my friends loved it and I was lucky enough to stumble upon a copy at a quarter of its actual price.


A Darker Shade of Magic by V. E. Schwab

Sweet baby Jesus and the baby pandas. I went to a book sale where everything was RM5 (about $1.20) and I nearly died when I found A Darker Shade of Magic. In hardback. 'Nuff said.

Nevernight by Jay Kristoff

A badass heroine who attends a school of assassins? Dude, I am getting seriously excited for this one. If only I had the time to binge read this baby because it is a Hulk of a book.

Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

Everyone has been telling me to read Illuminae because "it's so fucking good" and "you won't regret reading it" and "Ezra is so fucking cheeky". People, chill. It's on my TBR pile. It's sitting next to me. I'll only read it when I have Gemina. OKAY?

This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab

If this isn't cover love, I don't know what this is. I read the sneak peek on Amazon and I nearly died. Victoria Schwab's writing reads so effortlessly and I really need to get around to reading This Savage Song because I am constantly thinking about it. Bumping this baby up my TBR pile!

Notable mention:


A Million Worlds with You by Claudia Gray

I loved the first two books in the Firebird series and I was a bit worried that the final book wouldn't bring a deserving ending to the trilogy, but it did!

So, bookish friends of mine. What have you recently added to your TBR pile?


  1. All of these books are also on my TBR 😀
    It's still not Tuesday where I live so I won't be posting mine anytime soon.
    Great list! I hope you get a LOT of time to read all of this. ❤

  2. Heh. The perks of being in Malaysia, I guess? I can't wait to see your list, Zainab!

  3. Great picks for this week Kevin. Some of these are on my to-read list as well but I've heard great things about them so I can't wait to get started.
    Also the second four you picked (A Darker Shade of Magic, Nevernight, Illuminae and This Savage Song) are all all-time favourites of mine so I hope you love them as much as I did! :)

  4. More Happy Than Not! That book cover is gorgeous, I have it on my TBR just as well, but...I'm just like you for now, I don't know if I'm in the mood for something so sad and heartbreaking. But I can't wait to read it, and can't wait to know if you liked it :)

  5. Gah, I do hope so. I am particularly most excited for Schwab!

  6. Hey, Marie!

    Don't you just love the cover? I really want to read it too but I don't think I can stomach so much heartbreak in a book.

  7. V.E. Schwab is just an amazing author. I think you'll really love her books! :)

  8. I can already tell. The first chapter of TSS was amazing!

  9. Ohh have you started it then?! I'll be keeping an eye on your blog for a review soon if that's the case! :D

  10. I haven't got the time but I will definitely look for you if I need someone to talk to about it!

  11. November 9!!! Please read that book. It earned its reputation. It is a heartbreaker. :)

  12. Yo, Aria! It's definitely on top of the pile. Heh. I just can't decide!

  13. If we were closer, I'd probably shove this book to your place every chance I'd get. Haha

  14. Great list! Most of these are on my TBR too. I've read Illuminae and November 9 and they are absolutely amazing! I kinda hope you'd be able to read November 9 before the actual date cause of the story significance but oh well. haha.

  15. Great picks! I loved The Darker Shade of Magic, and want to read The Savage Song.

    Here's my TTT:

  16. Please do! Any excuse to talk about my favourite series! :D

  17. Such a great list! Most of these are either on my TBR as well or I've read and loved them :) More Happy Than Not was soo good, but also really sad so I understand waiting until you're in the right mood to read it. And I must also get to Illuminae someday soon, glad to know I'm not the only one who hasn't read it yet :)

  18. So many epic books in this list. I found it easier to buddy read More Happy Than Not because that way I had someone I could vent all my feels to. It's definitely an emotional book but it's one worth reading.
    Nevernight and A Darker Shade of Magic are among my favourite fantasy novels. The character complexities and the world building is on point in both books.

  19. I want that hardcover edition of Nevernight so bad but it's still kinda expensive. Hoping the price will go a bit down with time :D

  20. A Darker Shade of Magic for a buck? Nothing can beat that and it's utterly fantastic, I'm sure you'll enjoy. Nevernight is a book I really need to get to because who doesn't love assassins? Great list!

  21. It's November 9th here in Malaysia! What significance are we talking about here?!

  22. Well, I have tried about 100 pages of Illuminae. It wasn't bad but the format is a bit difficult to get used to.

  23. I have both ADSOM and Nevernight on my pile since forever and I NEED to read them soon! I need my fantasy fix!

  24. Hardbacks are practically gold. I was lucky enough to get an ARC so yay!

  25. Best book sale find ever! I do need my fix of fantasy so it's between those two and A Shadow Bright and Burning.

  26. Haha well the story revolves around the date November 9. So mostly the story happens on November 9 but different years 😀

  27. A Shadow Bright and Burning was on my list this week too. A Darker Shade of Magic is incredible, so I hope you enjoy it.
    My TTT:


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