Review - The Assassin's Blade (Throne of Glass #0.1 - o.5) by Sarah J. Maas

TABThe Assassin's Blade by Sarah J. Maas
Publisher: Bloomsbury Children's Books UK (13th Mar 2014)
Genre: YA fantasy

Celaena Sardothien is Adarlan's most feared assassin. As part of the Assassins' Guild, her allegiance is to her master, Arobynn Hamel, yet Celaena listens to no one and trusts only her fellow killer-for-hire, Sam.

In these action-packed prequel novellas - together in one edition for the first time - Celaena embarks on five daring missions. They take her from remote islands to hostile deserts, where she fights to liberate slaves and seeks to avenge the tyrannous. But she is acting against Arobynn's orders and could suffer an unimaginable punishment for such treachery . . .

When we first meet Celaena Sardothien, she was a slave in Salt Mines of Endovier in the first book of the Throne of Glass series. Well, most of her history has been quite a mystery throughout the series. Until, Sarah J. Maas so kindly wrote 5 prequel stories or novellas to accompany the series - to allow readers to meet Celaena Sardothien, the once fearless and kick-arse Assassin of Adarlan. Before she was enslaved and had her spirits brutally broken by the demons she had to endure in Endovier.

The Assassin's Blade is the compilation of 5 novellas: The Assassin & The Pirate LordThe Assassin & The Healer, The Assassin & The Desert, The Assassin & The Crime Lord and The Assassin & The Empire. Each novella follows Celaena through her challenges and adventures that ultimately lead to the events of her being captured and sent to Endovier as a slave to work in the Salt Mines.

I loved The Assassin's Blade because it gives readers and fans of the Throne of Glass series a wider and more in-depth glimpse into the tale of Adarlan's Assassin, our beloved Celaena Sardothien. It all links all the events that happen in the series. Follow Celaena as she brings you on adventures beyond your world and delve into the universe of Erilea as you join Celaena in battling a pirate lord, train under the Mute Master and the Silent Assassins in the deadly desert and even her sparkling romance with her best friend, Sam! I loved the blossoming relationship between the two of them and the romance is sweet as well as it is amusing. I loved reading the banter between the pair and it was a great change up to all the action that was going on in the other stories.

I've read the first three books in the series (Throne of GlassCrown of Midnight and Heir of Fire) before reading The Assassin's Blade, therefore all the little mysteries that were entwined in the series were answered and I, for one, was dreading the inevitably inescapable conclusion of The Assassin's Blade.

If you're planning to start on the amazing series that is the Throne of Glass, I highly recommend you to pick up The Assassin's Blade as well because it's a definite must-have. I am forever grateful to the ever lovely Alexa from Alexa Loves Books who sent me this stunning prequel to my new favourite series. Thank you so much, Alexa and to Maas Thirteen who keeps on spreading all the love for Throne of Glass to the world.

The Assassin's Blade is out on paperback and eBook now.
