Blog Tour - Flawed by Cecelia Ahern: Content and Giveaway!

Hello and welcome, my little sparkly doughnuts, to my blog stop for Cecelia Ahern's Flawed blog tour! If you have no idea what Flawed is about, here's my review on Cecelia Ahern's debut YA novel, which follows the story of Celestine North, who lives in a world where the society strives for perfection and anything other than that is considered against the law.

Today, I will be introducing to you a character in the book with the snippet below -- guess who it is!


Are you intrigued to read Flawed now? Here's your chance because... I AM GIVING AWAY SOME GOODIES TO ONE LUCKY WINNER, courtesy of HarperCollins International UK.

The Flawed packs will contain:

  • One signed copy of the UK hardback edition of Flawed

  • One copy of the US hardback edition of Flawed

  • One Flawed poster

  • Temporary tattoos

  • Decal stickers

  • One limited edition bracelet

EXCITED? Awesome sauce. All you have to do is comment below, telling me what your biggest flaw is! This giveaway is open internationally and it ends on the 30th of April 2016, so good luck and read more books!



  1. Thank you for the giveaway Kevin!

    My biggest flaw is my inferiority complex. See, I've always seen myself as the dark and big girl. It has always been hard for me to interact or mingle with friends.

    Obviously family and peers doesn't make things easier as well.

    However, with time I came to realize that I should embrace this flaw of mine. I am in charge of my own happiness and others shouldn't dictate that.

    If there's any young people reading this, I hope you guys know that you are amazing in your special way! Beauty fades with time but personality remains!

  2. Ah, my flaw... I have lots of flaws, but the biggest one might be my scars, which originated from flea bites. I really love cats. I got these flea bites scars from stray cats that I used to bring inside my house. And then my parents said my skin is too sensitive, and that's how I got these scars. The scars are on my legs, and I'm afraid to show them to people. I'm scared they might think I'm really flawed, which is true, and I'm afraid they would not want to be friends with me. I always wear jeans or long pants, even at home. I don't tell this flaw of mine to anyone except for my family. Even my best friends do not know of it. I'm trying to overcome my biggest flaw now, and I'm hoping for the best!

  3. Whatever happened in the past, doesn't change who you are now! You are strong and beautiful and you need to remind yourself that. My fingers are crossed for you, girl!

  4. BEAUTY FADES, SATT! Who cares? If you're happy in your own skin, flaunt it and show the world that you love yourself and if they don't, fuck them! 😁

  5. This giveaway sounds/ looks amazing!! and I'm SO glad its international!!

    Brr. I am a self confessed flawed human being!! I would be proud to wear a badge. There's so many things I find wrong with myself. Some I've learnt to accept because well its me after all. Some I cannot let go of.

    My biggest flaw has to be my self criticism. I always assume I am not good enough for anything/ anyone (?!!), and am always restricting myself from exploring and discovering things that I could possibly be good at. I also am very much aware that I have never been nor possibly ever will be a 'thin' person. I know this is rather superficial as personality is more important that what you look like but I always find out ways to kick myself for my weight. My family in no way motivates me only bordering on the point of making me hate myself more because they don't care. My friends dont mind it and I'm grateful for it. So unless its my own motivation, I've tried and always, always give up on goals I set myself.
    It was only recently that I have decided to quit being so hard on myself and in the very least try to make healthy choices and just be happy. But I constantly keep going back to it and it breaks me every time. Sometimes I just hate myself, and all good thoughts go down the bin. Thats why its so easy to get lost in fiction than be in reality. Its so depressing.

    Bahh that was so crybabish lol and I've never written that all down in public ever before!!

    Thanks a lot for the giveaway too :) Someone is gonna be so happy, its so good!

  6. Well, have lots of them but the biggest one is my insecurity and I swear most of the time I hate myself for having it.

    I'm a Malay girl, not a beauty with a brain. I have very tanned skin since kid because I'd been exposed to sun a lot. So I've been compared a lot. Some people even make stupid jokes out of it. I don't know what to feel anymore whenever people joke about it because I've been experiencing it since forever. You know how society works; you're fair, you're beautiful, and beautiful people get better treatment.

    My close friends are beautiful and habe very fair skin. I'm the dark ugly duckling in the group. I know people have been comparing me to the others like daaaaamn how did I even manage to be with the others looking like this? I swallow everything, try to put all the feelings aside.

    I even get depressed sometimes. Sometimes I hate myself for letting this insecurity and depression win over me. I just hope one day I won't have this feeling anymore and have more confidence in me :')

  7. So excited for this giveaway!

    My biggest flaw is anxiety. I get anxious to do things where i have to interact with strangers. I will rarely answer the phone when an unknown number calls. I will prefer to never speak up around a crowd or do anything that draws attention to myself when i don't want the attention. I think this is a flaw because sometimes, perhaps its necessary to speak up. Having this prevents me from reaching my potential in certain areas. I know that i have the potential because once upon a time, i wasn't as afraid as i am now. I'm too afraid of what people think at times when it doesn't matter.

    Anyway, thanks for this opportunity and good luck to everyone else! :D

  8. My biggest flaw would be my face. My face is full of acne and scars. Everyday when I wake up there must be at least one new pimple either white/black head or even the cyst. The scars are much worse. But the thing is that, I've realized no matter what kind of treatment you get on your face, it will not last long. There is no such thing as perfect. I've tried to come terms with it and also not to be jealous of my friends too.
    Not to mention I also have a scar on my upper lip due to an incident years ago where it got badly injured. Though I tried not to be bother with it but when I see my friends' faces, I do get insecure sometimes by their flawless faces.

  9. My biggest flaw would be my snores when I sleep. I've been growing up with nasal problem which causes my snoring, and I hated that, until up to the point that I refuse to go to sleepovers just because I'm afraid everyone will make fun of my loud snores. I will avoid going to camping trips and other programmes that involves me sleeping with other people, publicly. And to be honest, I still do that even now. It sucks because you can't do anything about it. I've tried Googling and the only solution was getting this risky nasal surgery which only gives you the rate of 40% safe 60% the risk. So now, what I try to do is just sleep peacefully without giving a damn to those around me. If only it works. It doesn't.

  10. My biggest flaw? Having difficulty connecting with other people...does it count? Like, REALLY connecting.

  11. Honey, you go, girl! Self-acceptance is the key to happiness. If you can't love yourself, how the hell are you going to love somebody else? 😘

  12. Darling girl, you don't need to feel compared to others! God made you beautiful and you should embrace yourself! Being yourself is beautiful.

  13. Honey, you da cutest, okay? Don't think otherwise because I've seen your YouTube videos and you are a bright, shining star! You're a gorgeous person and you need to know that your personality shines through!

  14. Naj, that is not something you can control. Don't feel bad or embarrassed! Just love yourself and everything will be all right.

  15. Ha! Really? I wouldn't have known because you're so friendly to all your readers and bookish friends online! 😘

  16. I have to say that my flaw is that I'm painfully shy, to the extent that it's hard for me to make friends.

  17. I don't think that is a flaw! You just have to be yourself and believe in yourself! ;)

  18. Here I am haha :D Thanks for telling me you were hosting this giveaway !
    Mmm... Let met think a second about my biggest flaw. I think it is my bad temper. I get angry very easily ! But the thing is that I don't explode and go all cray-cray on the person that did it haha, I might point it out but I just keep boiling up inside/ Luckily that doesn't last long, I just need a little while to unwind.

  19. My biggest flaw would be my inability to handle money. 😕

  20. I have a flaw also everyone . But the biggest flaw of myself is to make that flaw in me to become an excuses to live with happiness. As long as we recognize the flaw as a something that dont have to be shamed of, theres nothing to to regret with our life.

  21. Hi Kevin! Awesome giveaway and I'm super excited to read this book. I don't have it get so bookmail from HarperCollins would be A.MA.ZING.

    I believe that each of us have to deal with different flaws at different stages of our lives, but they don't necessarily stay as a flaw as long as you DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. You can either work hard to remove that flaw but it's something you can't do, learn to accept it and use it as fuel for you to move forward in life.

    Take me for example, I used to be so bad in public speaking but I forced myself to enter competitions till I became good at it. I used to have bad skin as a teenager but I worked hard by putting more effort in medication, hygiene and healthy eating till I kicked acne in da butt! Like I said, flaws don't last forever unless WE. DO. SOMETHING. ABOUT. IT. Don't let it define you, don't let it bring you down.

    My current biggest flaw is I can't function with lack of sleep. Juggling with studies, a business and family is not easy and at times I just need to clock extra hours by staying up. I know many people who can survive at sleeping for 2-3 hours a day. Recently, I went for a competition and only had time to sleep for an hour for two nights. I went on stage and kinda blanked out. It's tough for me but I've decided that I need to discipline myself more during the day so that I don't have to deprive myself of a good night's sleep.

    My cousin loves to say this to me - "you can sleep when you're dead!" LOL.

    Hey, I need my beauty sleep kay! Hahaha. Thanks for reading Kevin and I'm looking forward to the results! 😃🙌

  22. Ha! How is needing sleep a flaw?! I LOVE sleep and I can never get enough of it.

    Good luck!

  23. Sofea | @heyitsbookishmeThursday, April 14, 2016 3:17:00 am

    Hahahahaha. It's definitely a weakness when you really really really need to be in the zone but didn't have the privilege of having a good night's sleep the night before! Tough okay hahahaha.

    Ah well, like I said - if we can't change it, embrace it!

    Thanks Kevin! Hope I'm in luck 😃


    So, my biggest flaw.
    My biggest flaw would be lack of self-confidence. I've always been alone that I'm not used to being surrounded by people. I can't talk to new people without stuttering (which is the main cause of my anxiety). Even in class, I can't talk in front of the class without end up crying in the toilet by myself.

    There you go, it feels good confessing my flaw. Thank You. :)

  25. I think my biggest flaw is that I am terrified of rejection. This also entails the fear of failure which sucks because I am scared to go out and try things. I have a hard time trusting people because I am afraid that they are going to turn on me and/or decide they prefer to hang out with someone other than me. It's hard to answer this question without getting to deep :)

  26. Wow awesome giveaway!
    My biggest flaw would be is that i am scared of compliments especially from the race of Adam. That everytime there is a guy who teases me, it is like my ears would cover themselves, to prevent hearing their words. I think this is due to shyness, no self confidence or loooow self-esteem. I feel like i dont deserve it, there is no way i would believe it and that is why i dont want to hear any of it.
    Ohw that is so depressing.
    Cheer me up and please tell me i am not too late on this giveaway? Lol. Thanks!


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