Book Review : The Imperfect Girlfriend by Lucy-Anne Holmes

Title : The Imperfect Girlfriend
Author : Lucy-Anne Holmes
Publication date : 6th August 2010
Publisher : Pan Books
Source : Purchased

Rating : 5/5

We kissed until it became necessary to stop so that we could breathe, by which time my lips were so swollen it looked like I’d been pleasuring a brillo pad. We grinned at each other again and I felt the urge to utter something brilliantly intellectual. ‘Have I mentioned that I’m hopelessly in love with you?'

Actress Sarah Sargeant has finally landed the perfect boyfriend. But as she leaves London for LA, Sarah finds herself morphing from the perfect girlfriend, baby voicing 'I love you's, into a nutty one who throws phones and screams a lot. Where did it all go wrong? Was it the photo of a semi-naked ex-girlfriend doing a downward dog she found in her boyfriend's filofax? Or maybe it’s the steamy sex scene she films with the handsomest man in the world, ever. Laugh-out-loud funny and brutally honest, The (Im)Perfect Girlfriend is the story of one woman’s search for her happy ever after.

I am a MASSIVE Lucy-Anne Holmes fan. Seriously, with this book, I've completed yet another author's collection (I have all of Sophie Kinsella's and Lindsey Kelk's). Man alive, this book has to be the Holy Grail. It's so impossible to get it unless you buy it online, which I couldn't because my bloody debit card isn't allowed for online transactions, what a piss take. I had to personally walk into Kinokuniya and order it, with the fancy receipt code and details. So, I ordered it in the beginning of April and it only arrived last weekend. Since I was finishing a book, I stormed into the book and got myself hooked!

The Imperfect Girlfriend is the sequel to Lucy-Anne Holmes's super hilarious and laugh-out-loud debut novel, 50 Ways to Find A Lover, which I enjoyed very much! (I gave it a 5/5!). I finished the book in 3 days and I got the lovely feeling of meeting an old friend who you were really fond of but she had to leave, that sort of feeling. Upon finishing the book, I was gutted because I realised, I wouldn't be able to get hold of another Lucy-Anne Holmes's novel until February 2013.

The book continues where 50 Ways to Find A Lover left off, Sarah and Simon helplessly and madly in love, appreciating each other's presence and clearly, being in love. I dare say, I found Sarah really, really real, as in you can easily relate to her, albeit her antics which will bound to go tits up, it's a pleasure to read how Lucy described everything through Sarah's point of view. Sarah, as usual was funny, quirky, witty, lovable and downright hilarious. (I have to praise as much as I could because I'm kissing Lucy's arse in order to get a review copy of her next book. Shhh!). To me, Sarah was somehow like Becky, what with her aloofness and tendency to over think things. Except, Sarah had a bigger bum and fantastic acting skills but terrible singing vocals. Minus the enormous mounting debt.

Besides Sarah, there was lovely Simon who was the perfect boyfriend, who doesn't care about Sarah's athlete's foot, who'd love Sarah unconditionally, even though she's a pillock, as self-proclaimed by her herself. Then there was her best friend, Julia who didn't make much of an appearance in this book, much to my chagrin, I thought her presence brought out Sarah's humour. To make up to Julia's absence, Lucy had made Rachel Bird, Eamonn's girlfriend and ex-convent mate of Sarah, her BFF in LA. I used to think Rachel was a bimbo with a string of sexcapades to her name, but she turned out to be an actual friend. Well, surprise, surprise! She was the one who saved Sarah's arse most of the time, pushing her to work harder for her role in Eamonn Nigels's film as "a stripper who gets raped and killed" by the ever gorgeous Leo Clement.

The pace of the story flowed very smoothly and was packed with many events, such as Sarah's trip to LA which went bust, then her steamy sex scene with Leo to a really, really lovely ending. Overall, I thought this was the perfect ending to Sarah Sargeant's story. Successful career, a man on her tow who loves her even though she's the imperfect girlfriend and a little happily ever after never hurt anyone, right? Follow Lucy on Twitter (@LucyAnneHolmes) or follow her "How to Start A Sexual Revolution" blog! Lucy's next book, When Mother Came to Visit will be out in February 2013. Ah, the wait, damn..
