Book Review : It Happened in Paris by Molly Hopkins

Title : It Happened in Paris
Author : Molly Hopkins
Publication date : 12th May 2011
Publisher : Sphere
Source : Purchased

Rating : 5/5

Evie Dexter is 26, aspires to be a European tour guide. Determined to land the job by setting her heart on success and booze, lots of booze, she pads her CV and gets the job with Insignia Tours, guiding their Paris breaks. Enthusiastic as ever, she consults her copy of Vogue Paris to remind herself where France actually is, and she’s determined to be a cultured and fabulously dressed chaperone. Fingers crossed that it’ll be easy and fun at the same time, but not so when French wine is so delicious and her coach driver, Rob is a devastating heartthrob. Well, keep your seatbelts on,’cause it’s going to be a hell of a ride with Evie as Tour Guide Extraordinaire!

When I saw this book in Borders, I was jumping for joy! It was soooo pretty and gorgeous! I went overboard by sniffing it! Well, I’m a sucker for chick lit tinged with romance and of course, a devastatingly beautiful cover (who isn’t?). Molly Hopkins is one of the best début authors this year I’ve read. It Happened in Paris promises more fabulous adventures of Evie throughout Europe and her relationship with Rob. I really love some saucy bits in the novel, it really sparks up the novel, really. It does, trust me. I loved it! I was lucky I finished Jemima J earlier that day so I could start on It Happened in Paris. Man alive, this book has to be one of the best ones I’ve read in my seventeen years of existence. I imagined Mila Kunis as Evie and Jon Foster, Zack from Accidentally on Purpose as Rob, don’t know why though.

It Happened in Paris was written in Evie’s point of view and personally, I prefer chick lit novels read from the heroine’s point of view. I really enjoyed It Happened in Paris. Mainly because I love Paris, with the lovely architecture of the city, the Eiffel Tower (do you know the French hate it?) and of course, the other beautiful sites such as the Place de la Concorde, Sacré Couer, Champs Elysees and of course, every shopper’s paradise, Galeries Lafayette! The beauty and lovely sites Paris has to offer aside, I loved the book because of the blooming relationship between Evie and Rob. It was totally unexpected! It was a real whirlwind for me to be caught in! After meeting for last than a day, they were having a shagathon (learned the word from the book! Thank you, Molly!) in the hotel room shortly after arriving in Paris. I was really surprised and pleased at the same time for them to really hit it off so quickly! Of course there are bumps in the road, but they patched things up and continued on their shagathons!

Throughout the book, I really adored Evie and at the same time, fell deeply in love with Rob. Evie tried her best to be an experienced and fun-and-entertaining tour guide and what amused me the most was her lacking of knowledge of Paris and had to consult her guide-book to make it through, but eventually she’s one hell of a tour guide where she knows gossips about the French royalty, did you know, the Empress of the French, Josephine Bonaparte was a shopaholic? Yes, she spent a fortune on her wardrobe and crowns and jewellery. Oh, how lovely it is to be rich. Evie was fun to be with, easy to relate to and really down-to-earth. She carries the book very well as the heroine and her lovable personality really makes me want to root for her. While I was reading the book, I was really caught on by the pace of the plot and every chapter made me laugh! From working at Bar Thea to leading a group of pensioners in Paris, Molly Hopkins really described Paris to its very intricate details and the descriptions of Paris was undeniably well-crafted. On the other hand, Rob was a really lovely presence in the book, as he is described to be the perfect man for every woman. He might have a temper when handling Evie as she’s such a lush, but he’s really thoughtful and caring. He even confiscated Evie’s credit cards and store cards AND paid off her overdraft. How sweet of him, right?
It Happened in Paris is a keeper and a great addition to your bookshelf because it’s worth reading over and over again! Yes, I’m reading it for the second time around and I’m not bored! I’m so glad, I read Chicklit Club and Chick Lit Reviews’ reviews on this book and I have to say, it was worth every penny. It was. So, if you see it in book stores, or Amazon or Waterstone’s or Book Depository, please DO NOT hesitate to buy this lovely book. It’ll make your day and it’s the perfect pick me up since the Shopaholic and I Heart series. Molly Hopkins will be releasing the sequel of the It Happened series, It Happened in Venice in July 2012. Stay tuned! This is one of the most promising books I’ve ever read!
