A Chat With Evie Dexter!

A month ago, I got an email from Steph from Chicklit Club, asking if I'm interested to interview Evie Dexter, the heroine of the It Happened series by the lovely Molly Hopkins. And I happily agreed!
So here's the questions I bombarded poor Evie with no shame!

Tell us about your favourite pastime?
Oh that’s easy, meeting friends, sipping wine and exercising like a mad thing by marching around the shops.

What inspired you to land a job as a travel guide?
My hope was that I would visit lots of fabulous places and be paid to do it, and so far it’s working out exactly like that. I’m so lucky, I feel as though I’m on a never ending holiday.

Please tell us how you met your dashingly handsome fiancé, Rob.
I met Rob at work. On the very first day of my new job as a tour guide. He’s amazing, obviously he’s not amazing every single minute of every single day, but still, I couldn’t wish for a better boyfriend.

Describe your life as a travel guide, always flying out to different countries.
I don’t always fly. I travel quite often by coach. But it’s fantastic not to have a routine. Every Monday morning is a surprise.

What is your best purchase to date, seeing that you have a penchant for shopping?
Mmmm OK, this is tough because as a tour guide I suppose the answer to this question should be a guide book or a map, or something sensible. But it’s not, it’s my furry Moschino bag, because I can fit EVERYTHING in it.

Paris, Venice, Santorini. What’s next on your travel list?
I’m thinking of Rio, but I’m not sure because soooo much happens when I’m in Venice. I really need to think this through.

Out of all the countries, you’ve visited, can you tell us your favourite?
I think Italy. I love the food. I love the wine. I love the weather. I love the men. What else is there?

If your life were to be made into a film, who would you imagine portraying you?
I’d like an unknown actress, someone not show-offy and super famous.

It seems you and Lulu had some time in Boot Camp, tell us exactly “What Happened at Boot Camp”.
OMG you would NOT believe me. You really will have to read it for yourself. Basically I bet Lulu that she could not live without a man in her life for two weeks. And she booked us into an ALL FEMALE military Bootcamp to help her win the bet. It was the worst idea she’s ever had. We were beyond demented. Lulu has never been to the gym in her life and I’ve only been once. I thought I was going to die of exhaustion in my sleep, and Lulu wanted to die in her sleep.

Now that you’re engaged to Rob, what are you planning to do after you’re Mrs. Harrison? Continue as a travel guide or be a part of his coach business?
Yes, yes, yes . . .It’s the best job in the world. I’ll leave the coach business to Rob.
