Book Review : A Very Accidental Love Story by Claudia Carroll

Title : A Very Accidental Love Story
Author : Claudia Carroll
Publication date : 27th September 2012 (Mass Market Paperback)
Publisher : Avon
Source : Sent by the publisher, thank you!

Eloise Elliot is one of the youngest newspaper editors in the country. Respected and revered by her peers, she’s at the top of her game.
But, on the eve of her thirtieth birthday, finding herself surrounded by some pathetic looking balloons and mangy sandwiches in The Daily Post’s conference room, Eloise is hit but a long sharp pang of loneliness.
Suddenly, and with dazzling clarity, she realises what she wants to make her life more complete. A baby.

One successful trip to the sperm bank and almost three years later and she is the adoring mother of a gorgeous little girl, Lily. Juggling a high-powered job with motherhood is not easy and when she finds herself without childcare she sends an SOS to her sister Helen. Yet it’s when Lily starts asking about her ‘daddy’ that Eloise really starts to panic. What will she tell her?

So Eloise decides there’s nothing for it – she’s going to find Lily’s father. After all, she chose the perfect donor so surely there won’t be any surprises. Except that there are plenty, and Eloise gets a lot more than she bargained for.

After reading I Never Fancied Him Anyway, one of Claudia's earlier novel, I have to admit that I've developed a liking for her books. Yes, I enjoyed it immensely and I thought it was one of the greatest books I've read so far. Then, Avon gave me a chance to review her latest gem, A Very Accidental Love Story. As I'm a massive sucker for love stories and gorgeous covers, shallow however I may be, I decided to jump at it. And it never failed to blow me away.

As soon as I started on it, I was utterly gripped by the plot and it captured me. In the market these days, the bright, beautifully attractive covers are to sell the books. I am a sucker for them myself and I constantly get lured in by them, but don't be fooled by the gorgeous cover on this one. It's not your usual light, fluffy chick lit. It's got so much more depth in it and what made me loved every page of it was Eloise.

Is there such thing as idolising a character from a book? If there is, it's my admiration towards Eloise Elliot. High-flying editor that she is, I loved how she carried herself in the book and upon reading this delectable book - I finished it in 2 days. Well, let's say less than 8 hours - I figured the message Claudia wanted to deliver was that the world is changing at a fast pace, as women climb up to stand for themselves and this was proven very vividly in the story. I admired her determination and strive as the editor of the Post and I really liked reading about a live as an editor of a newspaper. Good stuff, I tell you. Plus, don't forget to read the "exclusive" story after the epilogue, written by the editor herself. Wonderful surprise, I guarantee you.

I can't really give a lot away as many in England and the rest of the world have read this yet because its original publication was in paperback and only available in Ireland. Therefore, I would like to point out the wonderful cast of characters in the book. Firstly, there's Eloise with her cool, calm and collected demeanour (what is it with Claudia's heroines who are so serene?) and lovely terms, such as the nasty gobshites who work in the Post as the board of directors, the TRexes. Totally loved her. Then there's Lily, sweet little bubbly sunshine and Eloise's sister, Helen who is a real sweetheart, and Lily's "daddy" who I thought was one of the best heroes for me, ever.

This book kept me up till 3am last night, finishing off the story of Eloise and MM (short for mystery man). I loved every page of it and however clichéd I might sound - I never wanted it to end. You see, Claudia writes with such flair, it's impossible for you not to fall in love with her books, from the lovable heroine and an array of supportive characters to the well-crafted, unique plot and clever twists and turns.

Ladies, and maybe some gentlemen, this is the book to buy. It's just is the must-read of the season and the sweetest, most heartwarming book I've read. Ever. It was very well plot, delightful with parts you'll cheer on for Eloise and others where you'll feel a stab of pain for her. Friendship, family, sisterhood, love - everything you expect from a modern fairytale-cum-love story. Definitely up and running to be book of the year for me.

I. Loved. It.

Thank goodness the lovely Becke from Avon has also sent me Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow?, which I will start on it tonight, if my ever growing pile of assignments allow me to.

Find Claudia on Facebook and Twitter, she's a jolly good person, I promise. Love her. (@carrollclaudia)

You can pre-order the book here.

Rating : 5/5
