Book Review : Once More With Feeling by Megan Crane

Title : Once More With Feeling
Author : Megan Crane
Publication date : 6th December 2012
Publisher : Quercus
Source : Sent by publisher for review, thank you.

She's suffered the very worst of betrayals.

And now Sarah's facing a divorce she never expected.

With Christmas round the corner, what better time to re-evaluate her life? As she reconsiders every choice she's made, she starts to wonder if her life was so perfect after all.

This winter, lose yourself in Sarah's world of unmade decisions, lost friends and old flames...

I was so excited when I received Megan Crane's Once More With Feeling from Quercus last week. I couldn't wait to start on it. It sounds like a really great Christmas read, with the warmth and festivities of the Christmas spirit healing and mending your broken heart. I had such high hopes on this book, seeing that it's probably the last book I'll be reviewing in 2012, so I hoped it would make my year end with a bang! However, I'm sorry to say, this book was not what I expected it would be.

I'll be honest, I didn't particularly love this book. I don't know, but I feel like it didn't work for me. I was actually really hyped to read it, considering the blurb was a bit of a mystery for us, drawing a very vague picture of what the book has to offer. I know authors hate bad reviews, so I will try and focus on the good points more, besides, no one likes to sound like a bad guy, am I right?

Once More With Feeling is about Sarah, a married lawyer, working in a firm owned in partnership with her husband, Tim. At first, I really liked her, she seemed to be the capable, strong and independent lawyer and a loving wife. But upon discovering the greatest betrayal in her life which involves kinky sex, she began to irritate me a bit. I know, you're supposed to feel sorry for yourself when you're the wounded party, but I found Sarah a bit petty. Although, the good thing was, the story was a bit like Something Borrowed so I carried on, hoping to see a silver lining in the book, fingers crossed for Sarah to start a new life.

I will keep this review as simple as possible, because if I go on, I might mention something that might hurt the author. My initial thought of this book was a fluffy, light and Christmassy read where the heroine gets her heart broken and starts off with a new life, with the New Year coming, perfect opportunity to become a new person. But, I'm sorry but there is always a but, it wasn't what I expected and not what I hoped for. There were some part where I liked how Sarah gave readers a glimpse of her past, when she was living with her university friend, Brooke and going on holiday. And also reliving her summer romance with a special someone.

I'll just say that it's me. It's me, that couldn't love the story, I couldn't follow Sarah's journey to start anew. I was really hoping that this book would be another fantastic Christmas-themed chick lit book, but I was a disappointed by its complicated plot. The way the story progressed didn't really worked for me. I really didn't warm up to the characters in the book, the way Sarah's story was told through her perspective was a bit analytic, so it was a turn down for me. I found the book slightly depressing, I didn't feel good after reading it, all that was on my mind was, "how can I review this without sounding like a judgmental cow?".

I would like to thank Quercus for sending me a copy of this. I just wished I could have liked the book, but as we all know, reading is subjective. You may love a certain book that I didn't enjoy. So, don't stop me from letting you buy this. For this once, you might enjoy it. The book is set in New York, so you might love the New York winter wonderland!

Rating 2/5
