Book News : Brooklyn Girls by Gemma Burgess

A charming debut series about five twenty-something girls and the humor, heartbreak, and drama that bring them together..

Fantastically funny, fresh and utterly relatable, Brooklyn Girls by Gemma Burgess is the first novel in her brand new series about five twenty-something friends—Pia, Angie, Julia, Coco and Madeleine - sharing a brownstone in hip, downtown Brooklyn, and discovering the ups and downs and ins and outs of their “semi-adult” lives.

The first story belongs to sophisticated, spoiled, and stylish Pia, who finds herself completely unemployed, unemployable, and broke. So what is a recent grad with an art history degree and an unfortunate history of Facebook topless photos to do? Start a food truck business of course! Pia takes on the surprisingly cutthroat Brooklyn world of hybrid lettuce growers, artisanal yogurt makers and homemade butter producers to start SkinnyWheels—all while dealing with hipster bees, one-night-stands, heartbreak, parental fury, wild parties, revenge, jail, loan sharks, playboys, karaoke, true love, and one adorable pink food truck. And that's without counting her roommates' problems, too.

After reading The Dating Detox and A Girl Like You by Gemma Burgess, I declare her as my new favourite author. I loved both her books as they were bitingly sharp, awfully honest and laugh-out-loud hilarious! A few months back, Gemma blogged about her next book, Union Street (back then) and then ta-da, name change and cover reveal - BROOKLYN GIRLS! I'm really REALLY looking forward to this one very much, if I'm honest, a little bit more than Sophie Kinsella's Wedding Night. (I feel a tad guilty for cheating on Lady S now..) The covers look gorgeous - modern, fun and flirty - just like Gemma's books! Brooklyn Girls is out on 2nd July 2013 in the US and 4th July 2013 in the UK.

Pre-order a copy now!
