Book Review : Three Little Words by Jessica Thompson

Title : Three Little Words
Author : Jessica Thompson
Publisher : Coronet (31st Jan 2013)
Source : Sent by publisher for review, thank you!
They are just words but they mean so much.

As a dark evening draws in, the lives of three women are changed forever.

The worlds they have been living in, the people they thought they knew - in an instant it all changes.

But when everything seems to shatter around them, could three little words be enough to help put the pieces back together again?

I was blown away by Jessica Thompson's debut novel, This Is A Love Story, mainly because it had me up all night reading about the love story between two people falling in love, but have to undergo obstacles in life to only find they are meant for each other. Think One Day without Emma Morley dying.

So when Jessica asked me if I'd like a copy of your new book, I said yes! And did my usual happy dance. Who in the world would decline the opportunity to read a book well before others and have it signed though living thousands of miles away? I only did the most sensible thing a person who loves chick lit and love stories would; I said yes!

What I thought about it:
Since I loved Jessica's debut, I had high hopes for her second book. In case you're wondering, no. Three Little Words is not the continuation of This Is A Love Story, it's a completely different concept and plot. It's darker, more emotional and it does include a little love story, so I don't see why won't you enjoy it!

Beware: this is not your usual chick lit where everything is light and fluffy and you could just settle into the heroine's life easily and have a great time escaping into their world. No, this has depth and transcends a spectrum of emotions. In Three Little Words, it's a beautiful blend of love, loss, forgiveness, hope and regret.

Three Little Words centres around different lives, though living nearby, they are unaware of the things going around them, as to which you will find out as the story progresses. Their lives are actually entwined together and secretly linked together. Have you watched films like Valentine's Day or New Year's Eve? I Love You New York? Yes, the characters are somehow linked to each other - their lives are connected and they play a part in each others lives. That's what Three Little Words is about. Us, living obliviously as to those around us, when some little thing we do could affect someone's life.

The characters in the book are an unusual mix. You have the prima ballerina, a restaurant manager, a teenage boy, a handsome bloke who works in a cafe. But miraculously, these characters' lives would collide. That's the beauty of this book, you get to see things from the third person's point of view, which gives you the whole picture of the book, as the story unfolds, you get to see the clearer picture and everything makes sense.

Just like This Is A Love Story, the book is an emotional roller-coaster, you'd be surprised what could easily push your button and make you cry. My initial thought of Three Little Words was a heartwarming, romantic Valentine's Day read, hence the gorgeous red and pink cover. But underneath the pretty exterior lies a heartbreaking tale which affects all the characters in the book somehow or rather. Readers, have a box of tissues on standby, a warm fleece blanket to keep you warm and a comforting cup of hot cocoa. You're going to need it when you read this.

Honestly, it's not my usual read. I opt for a lighter, more fun kind of chick lit. But this is an exception. This is a beautifully-written masterpiece by Jessica. It has the power to make you think twice about what you're doing and look back and reminisce on the moments you've gone through and cherish them. A poignant tale which would render you speechless at parts as it is deeply moving. Highly recommended if you're a fan of Lisa Jewell and Ella Griffin.

Rating : 5/5

Anne is the Bryony in my head. I just had her in my mind when I was reading Bryony's story!

I was actually hoping to find her with the pixie cut. But this is close enough!

She's utterly gorgeous. The blond prima ballerina for me has to be Amanda!
