Book Review : The Heart Whisperer by Ella Griffin

Title : The Heart Whisperer
Author : Ella Griffin
Publisher : Orion (31st Jan 2013)
Source : Sent by the publisher for review, thank you!

On her thirty-third birthday, Claire Dillon decides that it's finally time to grow up. She will give herself twelve months to try to sort out her life. Her mother was thirty-three when she drowned. The accident happened on Claire's seventh birthday and deep down, Claire feels it was her fault. Her Mum had everything to live for but Claire's life is a mess...

All her relationships have just fizzled out over the years. Her acting career is going nowhere and thirty-three, in actress years, is somewhere between forty-five and extinct. Nothing in her life works. Her locks stick, her pipes howl, her computer has no letter 'p'. Her beloved car, Mossy, which used to belong to her mother, only has one wiper and no reverse gear. If it weren't for the kindness of her oldest and best friend, the gorgeous, charming, and once-very-famous Ray Devine, she wouldn't even have a place to live.

So she gives herself a year to turn her life around...

Two years back, I read Ella Griffin's debut novel, Postcards from the Heart and it was a sparkling book. On the cover, Marian Keyes herself said this: "Ella Griffin can make you laugh and then cry in the turn of a page" and true to her words, Ella Griffin does have the ability to touch your heart and tickle your bones. 

When I found out that Ella's next book, The Heart Whisperer will be out soon, I was thrilled. Back then, the publication date was August 2012, but then they pushed it back to January 2013. Before I start on the review, could we take a moment to appreciate the gorgeous cover? Once again, Adrian Valencia has made my heart melt - stunning cover!

What I thought about it:
I really enjoyed Ella's first book, so I had high hopes that The Heart Whisperer would deliver the same message conveyed by the author. And I'm glad to report, yes. In fact, if I may say so, I loved The Heart Whisperer and enjoyed it more than Ella's debut. The plot captured me from the prologue, where the readers are given a vague glimpse into Claire's past and leaves the readers guessing, which sort of builds up a bit of suspense.

The Heart Whisperer is about Claire Dillon, a thirty-three year old with a flailing acting career, where nothing in her life works, including the letter "p" in her laptop and her poor car, Mossy. Still hurting and blaming herself for her mother's death, she lives through every year with the same regret and finally, on her thirty-third birthday, she decides to turn her life around - new career, new man, new adventures.

I really adored Claire. She is a wonderful heroine, who speaks to readers with an odd sense of humour which made me really like her. She's a very likeable person, I envy her relationship with her best friend-cum-landlord, Ray who was a one-time singer with a massive chart-topper. Just when everything in her life starts to fall apart, cue Dog, a large grey dog who belongs to Claire's dad, Tom. Since the accident which happened when Claire was seven, she was scarred for life - she's terrified of dogs and water. But gradually, after a terrible incident, Claire's life starts getting better, mainly because of Dog. I know, he's not even a person, but I tell you, he's more than a dog. I loved him, he was the finest example of a man's best friend. I would love to have a dog like Dog. He makes a remarkable presence in the book.

The thing I would like to emphasise is Ella Griffin's writing. Her writing voice is simply commendable, it's unique and fresh. Imagine a new and modern Marian Keyes with loads of dark humour tinged with sarcasm. It's witty and honest. Her writing complements the flow of the book, which is excellent because readers are taken on an emotional roller-coaster. The further you're on the ride, the more you delve into Claire's heart-wrenching past. She can make you laugh at the happy moments she shares with you through the book, she has the ability to push your buttons with the most painful revelations and even melt your heart with the sentimental bits. Her writing focuses on one thing: family. The intricate and complicated ties and relationships in families are her forte.

I can't recommend it highly enough. I loved how Ella could connect with her readers with the simple yet painful truths and even makes your heart swell with love for your family and loved ones. A compelling read perfect for fans of Marian Keyes and Lisa Jewell.

Rating : 5/5

Auburn hair, check. Fair, pale skin, check. Clear winner for the role Claire!

This picture reminds me of Dog, a lot. I imagined him to be an Old English Sheepdog!


  1. I have this to read, judging from your review I think I shall enjoy it!


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