Book Review : Adorkable by Sarra Manning

Adorkable by Sarra Manning
Published by : Atom (24th May 2012)

Bought this because I love the title (and content!)
The blurb:
Jeane Smith's a blogger, a dreamer, a dare-to-dreamer, jumble sale queen, CEO of her own lifestyle brand and has half a million followers on Twitter.

Michael Lee's a star of school, stage and playing field. A golden boy in a Jack Wills hoodie.

They have nothing in common but a pair of cheating exes. So why can't they stop snogging?

What I thought about it: 
Sarra Manning has been an established chick lit and young adult novelist for some time now. Adorkable was my first ever book by Sarra Manning, and it falls under the YA category. However, Adorkable is different and I made an exception and bought it. Seriously, I spent my first book voucher on it and I admit, it was such a treat. I am so glad/ecstatic/chuffed that I bought it. You know why? Scroll down and keep reading.

As I've read quite a number of books now, I can happily tell you that, Adorkable is nothing like you've ever read. Yes, it is a young adult novel. It's about a feisty, kooky seventeen-year-old girl who has a big attitude and eccentric sense of style. Sounds weird? Not really, I actually liked her. A lot.

The book follows the story of how Jeane Smith meets Michael Lee, it's not a love story, it's more to like how two people can't stand each other but still can't help but fall for each other. I really warmed up to Jeane, as she was a strong character, she carried herself very well in the book. She's really sharp, witty and just COOL. I mean, I idolise her, I seriously do. Michael on the other hand was a really dashing lead, though he tries to deny it, but he does have a thing for Jeane.

Adorkable is about being different. Being yourself, without caring about what people think. I could really relate to that as many of us, teenagers, are struggling to fit in. The book is written from Jeane and Michael's point of view, so you get the best of both worlds, you get what I mean.

A fresh, exciting story which will you leave wanting more from Jeane and Michael. I found it immensely entertaining and relatable. I was a bit gutted when the book came to an end. To be honest, I breezed through it, as I really keen on the plot. Utterly charming characters and fantastic plot, might I ask for more?

Rating : 5/5

OK, take a look at the girl on the cover. Looks like Juno, no? Feisty, kooky and eccentric but still gorgeous. That is all..

Sarra will probably kill me for this, but Michael is definitely Taylor. I just can't shake the image of him out of my mind.


  1. I loved this book so I'm glad you did too! Juno would make the perfect Jeane :)

    1. I know! Thank God you agree with me! This book is genius! x

  2. Thanks for the fab review! I adore Sarra Manning (Nobody's Girl is one of my fave books, ever) and I just don't understand why I haven't got Adorkable yet! It sounds fabulous.

    Marlene Detierro (Fishing Charter Skagway)


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