Book Review: Wedding Night by Sophie Kinsella

Wedding Night by Sophie Kinsella
Publisher: Bantam Press (Transworld) (25th Apr 2013)
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Received a proof copy from the publisher, thank you!

The blurb: 
Lottie is tired of long-term boyfriends who don't want to commit to marriage. When her old boyfriend Ben reappears and reminds her of their pact to get married if they were both still single at thirty, she jumps at the chance.

There will be no dates and no engagement—just a straight wedding march to the altar! Next comes the honeymoon on the Greek island where they first met. But not everyone is thrilled with Lottie and Ben's rushed marriage, and family and friends are determined to intervene.

Will Lottie and Ben have a Wedding Night to remember … or one to forget?

OH. MY. GOD. That was what I shouted when Sophie K's publicist emailed me asking if I'd like a proof copy of Wedding Night. I pinged back immediately that I would LOVE one. And did my little jig. Any sane person would do, right? I mean, this is Sophie Kinsella we're talking about. The Sophie Kinsella.

Although the book jacket of the UK edition is simply swoon-worthy, I can't help lusting over the proof copy's too. I mean, both are gorgeous, no doubt. But if you're faced with choosing either one, you'd be torn as hell, let me tell you. Anyhow, the enormity of the situation is still lingering. I mean, I just read Wedding Night. Surely this is a total dream for most of us, to be honest, I had to pinch myself after I finished the book!

What I thought about it:
Paperback cover - out now!
First and foremost, we're talking about Sophie Kinsella, queen of chick lit and romantic comedy. Anyone who is anyone would, scratch that, MUST know of this brilliant author. Surely? So, I knew what to expect when it comes to Sophie K's books - a funny, heartwarming romantic comedy, literally chick lit at its best.

Wedding Night is about Lottie, who is sick of all her long-term boyfriends who are commitaphobes, desperate times call for desperate measures, she even does the most drastic thing to marry her boyfriend of three years, Richard. Rejected, she falls into the arms of her summer love, Ben whom she had a fling with fifteen years back. Judgement clouded and feeling rather silly, she jumps to marriage with Ben, sans the wedding rings and big white ceremony - a stop at the wedding registry office and off to Greece!

This has to be Sophie Kinsella's first ever book, where the book is written from different character's POVs. You see, Sophie K has a knack to create loveable, sweet and down-to-earth heroines and in Wedding Night it is no exception. I really adored Lottie as she is an incredibly warm character, with her naivety and terrible "Unfortunate Choices" whereas I really admired her sister, Fliss who is sort of a mother-figure to Lottie, matured and sensible.

The book is written from Lottie and Fliss's perspectives, pinging back and forth on what is happening in the book and I really think it makes the book really refreshing and exhilarating! Not only we will be introduced to one lovely heroine, but two! Again, Sophie K manages to create a wonderful cast of characters, from Fliss's adorable little boy to the moody, brooding Lorcan and heartbreakingly handsome Ben.

Like every Sophie Kinsella book, there will be many sub-plots which will contribute to the main plot, say Fliss's draining divorce. I won't delve much into the book as this is supposed to be a review, not a synopsis and I wouldn't want to spoil it for you. Let's just say I really loved the book and seeing as it's a Sophie Kinsella novel, it's another best-seller under her belt. The thing about Sophie Kinsella's book is: it never gets wrong. Nothing this woman writes couldn't make you smile or laugh or make you want to reach out to the heroine. And I find it immensely amazing, only a few authors I have come across who share the same ability.

Honestly, it's a Sophie Kinsella novel, what can go wrong? It's pure, unadulterated chick lit which you will devour because you're too caught up in the flow of the story to realise! As Sophie is already a household name in the genre, expect the best from her as she delivers another sparkling novel which will brighten your day or lift your spirits, and get ready to be transported to the beautiful, scenic Greek island.

Wedding Night is the perfect beach companion, Saturday night-in treat and well, whenever you feel like escaping to a different world! Come on, it's Sophie Kinsella. So you'll just have to go with what she has written and be blown away by this romantic comedy!

Rating : 10/10

I know, I know. Amanda isn't English, but still, I could imagine her playing the ever loveable and sweet Lottie.

OLIVIA WILDE as Felicity/Fliss
OK, when it comes to older sisters and bossy ones, I could think of Olivia Wilde. Have you seen her on House? Exactly.


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