Author Interview: Meet.. Lindsey Kelk! PLUS: Giveaway!

Yep. I'm on a blog tour again. This time, it's for Lindsey Kelk's new book, About A Girl, which will be a new series after the I Heart books. We chatted about red carpet dress to having palpitations at Bloomingdales. Thank you so much, my darling twinsie for your lovely answers to my "fabulous questions" as you put it! Check out my review here!

Could you describe your ideal Hollywood red carpet dress – the one you’ll wear to the premiere of the film adaption of one of your book?

Ooh, that’s so hard! It would be something super fun that I could just throw my biker jacket over and go to karaoke afterwards. I LOVE vintage and I love blue so, ideally it would be both of those. Plus, I like a low back to show off my shoulder tattoo – excellent conversation starter. Maybe something like this from Zooey Deschanel but in more of an aqua colour?

What is your favourite outfit you’ve ever owned? Tell us about it.
There are so many… the thing I always end up wearing to go out if I can’t decide what’s right are my gold sequin hot pants with a slouchy fine knit sweater or stripy top. I know that doesn’t sound very casual but I’m comfiest in shorts! And you know I’m a shoe gal, lots of favorite shoes. Living and dying by the new Saint Laurent mary-janes at the moment.  I’m wearing this French Connection dress to death at the moment, it’s the perfect shape for me.
I LOVE heels and wear them whenever I can but I won’t lie, I really hate walking in them. It’s NOT WHAT THEY’RE MADE FOR. So that means I spend a lot of time in ballet flats which is cool, it fits the sixties vibe I’m going for at the moment. I love me a pair of ankle boots too. Saint Laurent make the BEST heels, definitely the comfiest. I love Louboutins but the pumps don’t fit my feet properly, I must be inbetweeen his sizes. It’s HEARTBREAKING.

If you could have a body swap with anyone in the world, who would you swap with?
Hmm… interesting! I’m not sure, it’s taken me a pretty long time to be happy being me. Maybe Emma Stone, just because I love her and she always gets the cute guy in her movies. I wouldn’t complain at that.

What’s the craziest/most embarrassing thing you have done in a departmental store?
Oh man. I couple of years ago I had a really bad sinus infection when I was writing The Single Girl’s To-Do List and it was Christmas eve, I was in New York and I still had loads of presents to buy because I’d been so busy with the book. The night before, my flatmate’s bf gave me some Sudafed which I took every four hours and started feeling SO much better. Result! So, Christmas eve morning, I went to Bloomingdales to finish my shopping and I started having palpitations and freaking out in the changing rooms. I texted my friend because my mouth was too dry to call and she said the pills he’d given me were supposed to be taken one every twelve hours not two every four! So I was basically off my tits on meth because pseudoephedrine is the main ingredient in crystal meth. Amazing. Eventually I managed to calm down, get myself home and sleep it off. Admittedly, I felt GREAT on Christmas day, cold gone! I don’t recommend it though!

Please tell us about your new book, About A Girl.
I’m so bad at describing my own books! It’s a story about a girl called Tess who has spent her entire life working on a plan, only to have that plan completely fall apart on her. When that happens, she panics and decides to impersonate her flatmate on a photoshoot in Hawaii as the photographer, rather than deal with real life. It’s funny, it’s funny, there are some steamy moments, lots of fashion moments, booze and karaoke. What’s not to love?

Who do you think would fit the role of Tess perfectly if it were to be made into the film?
I can never answer this question. I have another Tess book to write so I really can’t think of her as an actress because then the actress would be in my head instead of Tess! I love hearing other people’s ideas though - who do you think?

For I Heart NY, you wrote it after Boxing Day in NYC because you were gutted that you’re heading back to the UK. What gave you the inspiration for About A Girl?
Really, it’s a book all about working out who you are, who you could be and what really makes you happy in life. I think a lot of us are on a treadmill, running towards a goal that doesn’t really exist – I know I definitely used to be – and this is a book that asks ‘what happens when you take that goal away?’ Of course, most people wouldn’t nick off to Hawaii and have the same fun adventures that Tess does but hopefully it will remind people that they have options in life.

Do you ever write about characters based on people you know? I could definitely feel some parts of me in the character Kekipi! (oh, Kelk. Hope I’m not brushing my horns..)
Ha! Maybe some of your late night tweets inspired my late night writing! I never base characters on actual people but I’m definitely influenced or inspired by everyone in my life. I think it would be impossible not to be!

What are you plans for writing the sequel of About A Girl?
Since you’ve mentioned that it’s a series, how many books can we expect from you, Ms Kelk! (I’m getting excited already. Please be a double digit!) There is going to be a sequel! We haven’t announced it yet but it’ll be out next summer. As soon as I can tell you more, I will. After that, I don’t know… fingers crossed I get a new contract!

HarperCollins is kind enough to give away copies of Lindsey's refreshingly new book, About A Girl to 3 lucky winners!
  • Open to UK residents only.
  • Tweet me (@iHeartChickLit) a picture of your ideal summer destination with the hashtag #AboutAGirl
  •  "Like" my Facebook page, and comment on my post on Facebook and tell me what is your favourite cocktail!
Winners will be chosen at random, so all the best to everyone! Giveaway ends on 18th July 2013 at midnight (UK time).

Don't forget to stop by I Heart Books tomorrow as its the final stop for the About A Girl blog tour! 
