Book News: Ghostwritten by Isabel Wolff

Jenni loves her job as a ghostwriter – it satisfies her insatiable curiosity about people. And she can hide behind the stories of others, and not think about her own life too much…

But when she starts working on the memoirs of a survivor from the Japanese internment camps in Java, striking coincidences force her to examine her own past.

Gripping, poignant and beautifully researched, Ghostwritten sheds light on a forgotten part of a history. About a life-long secret and that one chance to make the right decision, it is a novel that lingers long after the final page has been turned.

CHECK OUT THAT COVER, PEOPLE! It's just simply stunning and I adore it! I've never read any of Isabel Wolff's book but I am definitely picking Ghostwritten up!

Ghostwritten is out on 27th Mar 2014.

Pre-order your copy now!
