Showcase Sunday #2

Showcase Sunday is a feature created by Vicky from Books, Biscuits and Tea to showcase our newest books or book related swag and to see what everyone else received for review, borrowed from libraries, bought in bookshops and downloaded onto eReaders each week.
Happy Sunday, fellow book lovers! This week has been really great for me. Not only did I get the most exciting book post, I went on holiday! My family and I visited Penang Island and had a massive foodie trip. We ate loads and stayed in a beautiful hotel! Think 1920s glamour, all Chesterfield sofas and plush curtains. OK, back to books. I got some really fabulous books this week and I can't wait to read them all!
  •  The Unfinished Symphony of You and Me by Lucy Robinson (to be reviewed) - Amazon/Goodreads
  • What A Girl Wants by Lindsey Kelk (to be reviewed) - Amazon/Goodreads
  • The Separation by Dinah Jefferies (to be reviewed) - Amazon/Goodreads
 I SQUEALED when I received Lindsey Kelk's What A Girl Wants and Lucy Robinson's The Unfinished Symphony of You and Me on the same day. It was as if Christmas came early! HA! And.. the cherry on top of it, my question to Lindsey was selected and it's in the book! I repeat. I am in Lindsey Kelk's book! *happy dance* I've read Lucy's book and I had the biggest joy of enjoying such a fantastic book. I am so happy that Penguin sent me a copy of Dinah Jefferies's The Separation as it's such a touching story and it hits home as it's set in Malaya in the 1950s. I decided to buy Trouble by Non Pratt as I really liked the sound of the blurb and don't you just love the cover? Ha. I bought it as a gift for myself after my university interview. Legit reason, no?

That's all for this week. I hope you have a splendid weekend and a wonderful week ahead!

Ps. I'm taking part in the live chat on the Romance Festival's Facebook page today at 5PM (UK) alongside Nic Tatano! Feel free to join in as we discuss about "Men of Romance".


  1. Kevin, Kevin, Kevin! You lucky, lucky person! xxx

  2. You are very lucky to have a copy of Lindsey's book! Enjoy!!! Hope you had a fab holiday too, my parents visited Penang Islands late last year and said it was beautiful! X


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