Showcase Sunday #3

Showcase Sunday is a feature created by Vicky from Books, Biscuits and Tea to showcase our newest books or book related swag and to see what everyone else received for review, borrowed from libraries, bought in bookshops and downloaded onto eReaders each week.
What's up, little pumpkins? Are you excited for the World Cup? No? Don't worry, neither am I. I'd read and carry on as if nothing much is going on! So, what have you been reading this weekend? Anything excited? I got the most amazing surprise from HarperImpulse this week and I'm still pretty giddy with excited, if I can say so myself!

So, what do you think of my book posts this week? I finished Paige Toon's incredibly sweet Thirteen Weddings, Victoria Van Tiem's adorable debut novel, Love Like The Movies and I'm onto Scarlett Bailey's first ever summer novel, Two Weddings and a Baby! I am really looking forward to reading Ali Harris's Written in the Stars as I know it will be absolutely fab!

I can't thank HarperImpulse enough for sending me these proofs as a token of gratitude for participating in last week's Romance Festival! As my token of gratitude towards them, I will be reviewing them. VERY excited for Carmel Harrington's new one!

So, here's to another fabulous bookish weekend to you, my dear kittens! Hope you enjoy this weekend with loads of books like I am! Sending you hugs :)


  1. So many great books! Lucky you! Enjoy reading the ones you haven't read yet and I look forward to reading your reviews very much!


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