Blog Tour: You Had Me At Merlot by Lisa Dickenson - Interview

I ADORE Lisa Dickenson. She's my Beyonce and I love her to bits. So here's a little interview I did with her in conjunction with the release(s) of her 4-part novel, You Had Me At Merlot! PSST. Part 3 is out today! Read my review here!

1.  Describe You Had Me at Merlot in 5 words.

Two pals, drunk in love.

2.  Where did you get the inspiration for the book? Do you simply just love Merlot?

I do love a stonking great glass of wine at times, but the main inspiration for this book came from the guffaw-tastic title. Once I had the title I tried to invent a storyline that would make fun of it.

3.  When you’re not writing, what do you do on a daily basis? Besides dancing and lip syncing to Beyonce, obviously.

Umm, what else is there?!  Ah yes, the day job.  I work in a medical and scientific journals publishers so mostly I'm sat in an office but sometimes I get to go to v. interesting places, for instance I just went to Milan and visited a morgue with a bunch of forensic scientists!

4.  What was the one book you read which made you realise that you could be a writer?

Sweet Valley books first made teenage-me want to be a writer, the first Sunlounger anthology kick-started me into getting the hell on with it.

5.  Do you have any hidden talents we should know of? 

Hmm, a not-so-hidden talent is that I used to teach ballroom and Latin dance classes.  But a hidden one, just for you, is that I do a mean Nicki Minaj impression and know most of the words to Superbass.

6.  I LOVED The Twelve Dates of Christmas! Will we be hearing more from Claudia and (my) Nick?

There is a teeny mention of what they've been up to hidden in You Had Me at Merlot...

7.  The opening sentence of The Twelve Dates of Christmas was hilarious! What’s the opening sentence for You Had Me at Merlot?

Well rather unsurprisingly it's to do with Beyoncé...

‘I’ve done it!’ I paced around in my little flat in my heels, slowing my breathing. ‘Six years after it came out, I’ve finally just perfected the “Single Ladies” dance routine.’

‘Congratulations,’ said Laurie down the phone. ‘Does that mean you haven’t left home yet?’

‘I’m not getting a boyfriend now – all this hard work’s not going to waste,’ I warned her.

8.  What do you want in life? What matters most to you?

Happiness, love, cats and dogs, sweets and masses of power and adoration. 

9.  Well, it seems you’ve been on the telly! How did that happen, you superstar?

Well I've been on a couple of times because I'm soooooo famous, the most recent being walking past the camera during a local news segment.  Glam.  But my shining moment in the spotlight was when I was holidaying in LA with Husband Phil and a couple of friends and we came across NBC filming an entertainment show outdoors.  My friend and I gawped at Mario Lopez and Maria Menounos for a while and then a PA asked if they could ask me who my style icon was on TV.  I panicked and said "JENNIFER ANISTOOOOON" in a strange, elongated American-ish accent.


•    Coffee or tea?
Ooo, I love a Hawaiian Hazelnut coffee in the morning, but if I had to pick one to have forever I'd have to go with tea because otherwise The Queen will send me out of England.
•    Lip gloss or sunblock?
Sunblock, but with a dash of fake tan over the top!

•    Chocolate or vanilla ice-cream?

•    Summer or winter?
Hmm, TOUGH ONE.  I'm going to be a big old fence-sitter and say Autumn.

•    Nutella or peanut butter?

Peanut butter!  I love nutella but PB is amazingly versatile - on toast, in a smoothie, inside a pancake, straight out of the tub with a spoon and my PJs on...

•    Waffle or pancakes?

Pancakes, and then more pancakes on top of them!

•    Music or books?

TOO HARD.  I shall pick a book about Beyonce.

•    Chris Evans or Chris Hemsworth?

I'll pick Chris Hemsworth because the Hemsworth boys seem like nice young men.

•    Laptop or typewriter?

Laptop - the world's greatest invention (after my iPad Mini & detachable keyboard combo)

•    Hair extensions or highlights?

Highlights - but both have the potential to look amazing or awful, so that's a toughy too!
