Showcase Sunday #4

Showcase Sunday is a feature created by Vicky from Books, Biscuits and Tea to showcase our newest books or book related swag and to see what everyone else received for review, borrowed from libraries, bought in bookshops and downloaded onto eReaders each week.

Hello, my darling little book siblings! How are you? I am so sorry for not posting my Showcase Sunday for THREE Sundays. I am SO sorry because I keep forgetting. The days are passing by way too quickly and before I know it, it's already Sunday and I haven't prepared anything! So here's my three week's worth of books, though not many, but they are a blooming fantastic bunch!



I FINALLY GOT Lola and The Boy Next Door! ABOUT FREAKING TIME. I cannot wait to read it as I really loved Anna and The French Kiss so I'm really excited about it but I'm saving it until Sunathon (are you participating?)

I was really thrilled to be in the acknowledgements of The Best Thing That Never Happened to Me alongside other bloggers and I can't trust myself not to sashay around the bookstore and showing everyone.

Hope you have a lovely week ahead with loads of books to keep you company!
