Today, please help me welcome the author of A Girl Called Summer and several sexy summer books, Lucy Lord on my blog! As part of the blog tour, Lucy introduces who her new heroine is and a little bit about her latest novel. Here we go!
Summer was initially inspired by a hippy girl my husband and I met on a beach in Goa. She was so pretty, down to earth and friendly that it was impossible not to warm to her. Her Dutch-German parents owned a place called the Art Resort (just as Summer’s do – more of which later), and she’d grown up on the beach, yet was educated and cosmopolitan. And so the germ of an idea was sown for A Girl Called Summer.
Blonde, beautiful Summer Larsson grew up on a beach in Ibiza, the product of happy, hippy, Swedish parents. They own a holistic resort called the Art Resort, where her mother, Britta, is a yoga teacher; her father fishes and plays guitar. Summer studied Modern Languages at the University of Barcelona, then travelled the world, teaching English, for a few years, before returning to the island of her birth.
Free-spirited, talented and naturally sweet-hearted, she combines her job as a food and drink journalist on a glossily-produced website with looking after the kids at the crèche at her mother’s yoga classes, and occasionally cooking meals for rich tourists in their villas. Summer lives in a little flat high up in the old part of Ibiza Town, and files most of her copy from her stone balcony, which has views all the way down, over higgledy-piggledy backstreets, to the boats bobbing on the harbour.
Men, women and children all warm to Summer, yet paradoxically – probably due to something that happened in her teens – she finds it difficult to get close to people. Her blossoming friendship with Bella, who you’ll know if you’ve read Revelry and Vanity, and has come to live in Ibiza with her man ad baby, is one of the central themes of the book.
And then, of course, there’s sex. Summer loves sex, and has a very pragmatic, Swedish attitude to it: if it gives her pleasure, and hurts nobody, then – why not? She would never sleep with another woman’s man, but when the novel begins, she’s having a clandestine affair with her (unmarried) boss that is starting to make her feel extremely uncomfortable. How come the keener men get, the more she goes off them?
All the elements are in place for Summer to fall madly in love with somebody. And when she falls – boy, does she fall… You’ll have to read the book to find out how far!
A Girl Called Summer is out now. Get your copy now: Amazon/Book Depository
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