Showcase Sunday #5

Showcase Sunday is a feature created by Vicky from Books, Biscuits and Tea to showcase our newest books or book related swag and to see what everyone else received for review, borrowed from libraries, bought in bookshops and downloaded onto eReaders each week.

Hello, my fellow book lovers! I am SO sorry for not doing a Showcase Sunday post in absolute ages! I'm back now with some very exciting book posts after so long. Here's some of the fab books I got in the past weeks!

Thanks to the lovely ladies over at The Hot Bed, I've got these sexy new reads and I've just finished them today. Gosh, SO good. I highly recommend every one of them!
I admit, I had a moment when I opened the envelope and discovered Shopaholic to the Stars in it. I fangirled and squealed and did a little dance. Okay, a little jump too. But come on, it's a Shopaholic book! Totally acceptable!

What about you? Did you get anything lately? What have you been reading? Do share! Hope you have a lovely Sunday! :)
