Book News: As Good As It Gets? by Fiona Gibson

“Midlife crisis? WHAT midlife crisis?!”

Charlotte Bristow is worried about her husband Will. Their fourteen years of marriage have been rather lovely so far, but things have been a bit odd lately.

With their stunning 16-year-old daughter Rosie newly signed to a top modelling agency and Will recently out of a job, Charlotte can’t help but notice that things are changing in their household.

As Will dusts down his old leather trousers and starts partying with their new, fun neighbours, Charlotte begins to wonder what on earth is going on.

So when Fraser, Charlotte’s ex – and father of Rosie – suddenly arrives back on the scene, Charlotte starts to wonder what might have been…

Guess what, people? Fiona Gibson is making her comeback in 2015 with a fabulous book and an even more fabulous cover! I am loving the brand new look - the mix of soft colours is really eye-catching, methinks! What do you think of the cover of As Good As It Gets??

As Good As It Gets? is out on 26th Feb 2015.

Pre-order your copy now!
Amazon: Paperback/Kindle
Book Depository: Paperback

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