News: Age, Sex, Location by Melissa Pimentel

The last thing twenty-eight-year-old Lauren is looking for is love, so why do the men she's dating assume she's searching for The One?

With men running for the hills, Lauren takes drastic action and turns her love life into an experiment, vowing to follow the advice of a different dating guide every month.

From releasing her inner siren to swearing off sex completely, Lauren will follow The Rules and play The Game, all with the help of her disapproving best friend and her newly loved-up housemate.

But as she searches for the holy grail of no-strings sex minus the heartache, Lauren soon realizes that dating is more complicated than just swiping right - and that the things you run from tend to always catch up with you...

Oh gosh. This book by Melissa Pimentel sounds like my kind of read! Age, Sex, Location will definitely be on my TBR list as it sounds amazing! Very Sex and the City and Girls!

Age, Sex, Location is out on 29th Jan 2015. It is published as Love by the Book on 3rd Feb 2015 in the US.

Pre-order your copy now!
Amazon: Paperback/Kindle
Book Depository: Paperback

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