News: Losing It by Helen Lederer

Millie was at one time quite well known for various TV and radio appearances. However, she now has no money, a best friend with a better sex life than her, a daughter in Papua New Guinea and too much weight in places she really doesn't want it.

When she's asked to be the front woman for a new diet pill, she naively believes that all her troubles will be solved. She will have money, the weight will be gone, and maybe she'll get more sex.

If only life was really that easy. It doesn't take her long to realize it's going to take more than a diet pill to solve her never-ending woes...

From the blurb, Helen Lederer's Losing It sounds like another variant of Bridget Jones's Diary! I loved reading all about Bridget's LOL moments and I think I'll enjoy Helen Lederer's debut novel!

Losing It is out on 12th Feb 2015.

Pre-order your copy now!
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Book Depository: Paperback

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