Showcase Sunday #6

Showcase Sunday is a feature created by Vicky from Books, Biscuits and Tea to showcase our newest books or book related swag and to see what everyone else received for review, borrowed from libraries, bought in bookshops and downloaded onto eReaders each week.

Hello, hello, my fellow bookish people! I realised it's been absolutely yonks since I've done a Showcase Sunday post and I feel bad enough that I haven't been finding the time to read and indulge myself in the fictional worlds that books hold. Nevertheless, this is my first Showcase Sunday post of 2015 and I hope we can share more bookish love together!

First off, the review copies I received! I'd like to thank all the publicists and publishers for sending me these beauties. I had to chastise myself to leave them aside to focus on my exams. Now that I'm on my term break.. HELLO, BABIES!
Back in November, I went to this really amazing book sale and I did go a little bit crazy. Who wouldn't when all the books were only MYR5 (£1). So here's what I got.. and I didn't manage to snap pictures of all of them, sadly.

And a few other YA reads that I've been really excited to read! Particularly the second Geek Girl book and Wait For You!

That's all I have now, folks! Have a fabulous Sunday and happy reading, my little nerds! Oh, and happy new year, people! xo
