Blog Tour: Losing It by Helen Lederer - Interview

Hello, sugar plum sweeties! Today, the blog tour for Helen Lederer's debut novel, Losing It stops here for an interview with the lady herself! And also, it publishes today - happy publication day to Helen, of course! For more info on Losing It, here's my book news post. Hope you enjoy our little tĂȘte-a-tĂȘte!

1.  What sparked the idea for you to write Losing It?

Well, I actually did get offered the chance of  money for sampling a herbal diet pill – and all the things that happen to Millie more or less happened to me.

2.  What is Losing It really about? Can you describe it in less than 10 words?

A woman over fifty who discovers desire and settles for just enough. (12 words – but let’s err on the side of generosity)

3.  Can you share your book deal moment with us?

Oh – yes – well, I met the editor Wayne, at Jonathon Harvey’s book launch, and we got talking, and I had already started writing ‘Losing It’. I sent it to him and he persuaded the suits at PanMacmillan that I was worth a punt  (I lied about how famous and celebby I was) and then the next thing I knew I had a grown up contract!

4.  How long did it take you to write Losing It?

A year ... which may seem a long time but I was doing the other stuff as well (eating, drinking and sitting down a lot)

5. What can we expect in Losing It?

I HOPE some laughs and some recognition and a bit of happiness?

Check out the other blog tour stops!
