News: Always the Bridesmaid by Lindsey Kelk

Everyone loves a bridesmaid.
Except Maddie, who’s perpetually asked to be one.
Everyone loves a wedding.
Except Maddie’s best friend, who’s getting divorced.
And everyone loves the way Maddie's so happy backstage.
Except Maddie herself.

One best friend is in wedding countdown while the other heads for marriage meltdown. And as Maddie juggles her best chance at promotion in years with bridezilla texts and late-night counselling sessions, she starts to wonder – is it time to stop being the bridesmaid?

Oh, my God.

My heart just stopped. I was actually thinking about Lindsey Kelk's upcoming book, Always the Bridesmaid and lo and behold, she did a cover reveal on Sunday! Talk about having a psychic link with my darling twinsie, eh?

Just look at the cover, I ask you. Simple, chic and understated. I have to say, I'm a bit gutted that Bree Leman (whose artistic talents are phenomenal - need proof? She designed the covers of About A Girl and What A Girl Wants!) didn't design the cover for Always the Bridesmaid but it's gorgeous, nonetheless.

Always the Bridesmaid is out on 7th May 2015.

Pre-order your copy now!
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Book Depository: Paperback

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