Blog Tour: His Other Life by Beth Thomas - Interview

1.  Describe His Other Life in 5 words.

That's a really difficult one! I suppose 'Can you ever know someone?' would do as a first attempt. Maybe 'She didn't know her husband.' Or possibly 'He kept his life secret.' Actually, I suppose that's fifteen words, technically. Is that cheating?

2.  What can readers expect from reading His Other Life?

It's a gripping page turner! Of course there's the mystery of what happened to Adam - no spoilers there. If your interest is piqued by reading the blurb or any of the reviews, you'll want to find out. But there's also Grace's journey as she sifts through the remnants of her marriage and begins to acknowledge that all was not right. Although a partner or loved one going out and not returning is not something many people can identify with (thankfully!) I think readers will empathise with Grace as they watch to see whether or not - and how - she will cope.

3.  What sparked the idea for you to write His Other Life?

It's a subject I've found fascinating for a very long time. You read about it in the papers don't you - someone's husband or father or wife or sister goes out one night for a packet of crisps and never comes back. It's one of those unsolvable mysteries, like the Mary Celeste or the existence of the universe. What happens to those people in those few minutes? Do they suddenly decide, as they munch through their cheese and onion that they can't stand to be there another second? Or was leaving that night the plan all along, and the crisps simply misdirection? Or did something happen to them while they were in the corner shop that prevented them from going back? It's fascinating and unknowable, so I wanted to write an answer to the conundrum!

4.  What are you currently working on? Can you tell us a little bit about it?

My next book is a little bit supernatural, a little bit surreal, and a little bit romantic. And mysterious. And funny. Something for everyone, I think! It's about a girl who suddenly discovers... But no! I don't want to  give anything away. Watch this space!

5.  Would you like to share about your publishing deal moment?

There are few moments to equal it, I think. This was the realisation of a dream I'd had for almost all of my life. Since I was around ten or eleven, I suppose, so.... quite a few years. I'd had short stories published before and had come runner up in a short story competition some years back, but this was a breath-taking, mind-blowing, knee-trembler of a moment when my dearest, biggest, most important ambition came to pass. Someone who knew what they were talking about said they thought I was a good writer. Not just good, but good enough to spend money on. It was like every Christmas and birthday, all my passed exams, every successful job interview, my driving test and my promotion board all mixed up together and smothered in melted chocolate!

6.  Quickfire Round!

- Coffee or tea?
Coffee (as long as it has gingerbread syrup in it)
- Ice-cream or waffles? Or both?
Waffles. With ice cream on them. Or maple syrup.
- Favourite telly show?
Um - Supernatural at the moment. Breaking Bad a while back. House longer ago. I tend not to watch telly often, but I do love a good DVD box set!
- Happiest moment in your life?
There are two - the days my two wonderful children were born. The only feeling that  beats getting a publishing deal. Even including the pain. And the screaming. 
- Perfect day?
My thirtieth birthday was goodun. Had a stream of lovely visitors all day - all my friends and family, nicely spaced out throughout a ten hour period. My mum was still alive. And in the evening my then husband took me on a surprise trip to London for dinner and a show. It was Beauty and the Beast - fantastic.
- Paperback or eBook?
Paperback. I ADORE buying, holding, feeling, reading actual physical books. The cover, the blurb, the texture, the weight, the smell. Pretty much all five senses get involved. I do have a Kindle and use it and find it convenient and easy and comfortable and practical. But it doesn't inspire passion.

His Other Life by Beth Thomas is out now, available in paperback and Kindle.
