Interview with Lisa Dickenson

Konichiwa, bookish nerds!

Guess what? I've managed to secure an interview with the one and only, the biggest superstar I know (trust me, she's been on telly) and ever sparkly, Lisa Dickenson! We chatted about cans, Marvel heroes and even her comfy shawl! The spotlight's on you, Lisa! Shine bright like a diamond! *blows kisses*

1.  So, what was the first thing that came to your mind when you woke up this morning?

It was ‘ohmygod what if someone’s put a 1* review on Amazon overnight, I need to check Amazon, WHERE IS MY IPAD??!!’

2.  What’s your daily routine like? Weekdays? Oh, all right. Weekends as well?

From Mon-Fri I’m the office at the day job, which is a manager at a scientific journals publisher. Then I get home, maybe reluctantly do something gym-based, then stuff my face and watch TV with Husband Phil (rock and roll!). At the weekends I’ll potter about by the sea, where I live, work on latest book stuff, and probably also stuff my face and watch TV!

3.  I heard from someone on Twitter that you have a new book? Well, what’s it about? Something to do with cans?

Hahaha, close enough! It’s about two women who turn a work trip to the Cannes Film Festival into a little-white-lie-fest. They’re lovely ladies, they just get a bit caught up in the excitement of it all. I would do the exact same thing, believe me.

4.  How long did it take you to write it?

Hmm… Maybe about 4-5 months? Much longer than my last book, but that’s because I started a new day job at the same time, so it was much harder to focus my brain. I’m back in the game now though; ready to start writing Book 4!

5.  You inject humour into your books that make me guffaw/cackle/chortle. What’s your secret? Are you friends with comedians? Like Ellen and Kathy Griffin?

Well, I have danced next to Ellen when I went to see her TV show being taped… But I’m also a big big fan of other TV funny women – Kristen Wiig, Tina Fey, and I love watching things like New Girl to get my brain into ‘funny mode’.

6.  Have you been twerking/dancing to Single Ladies lately? Or do you have a new jam to boogie to?

Oh, it’s always BeyoncĂ© – my fave routine is Run The World but I am desperate to go to one of these BeyoncĂ© (or Britney) dance workshops in London – anyone willing to come with me?

7.  If you could go on a romantic date with ONE celeb in the galaxy, who would it be? (No worries, I’ll babysit Phil. With pleasure! He sounds fun.) And.. I call dibs on StarLord (Chris Pratt is smokin’ hot!)

Can I pick you, Kev?  You’re a total celeb in my eyes, and a honeeeeyyyy…

8.  Are you following any telly series? I’ve been watching a few really good ones. Funny ones!

So many!  I love love love Scandal at the moment, and I’m finding New Girl season 4 is so funny – they’ve really stepped their game up. I also love a bit of Modern Family, Big Bang Theory, Game of Thrones and I’ve just started watching the American version of The Office. How about you? Have you seen Scandal? OHMYGOD YOU SHOULD.

9.  What was your last purchase? Be honest!

My last purchase was actually flights to the destination of Book 4 – for research, of course. But that sounds very glamorous – if you’d asked me yesterday my last purchase would have been loo roll.

10.  What’s the most atrocious item of clothing you own?

Ha – maybe Husband Phil should answer that! Probably my blanket shawl – it’s quite cool, but I’m not, so I look less Pinterest-pretty and more old-woman when I wear it (but I wear it anyway).

11.  Have you seen Avengers: Age of Ultron? Which is your favourite Avenger/Marvel hero and why?

I’ve never seen it! Gahhh, I am so behind the times. So I’m going to pick YOU as my favourite Marvel hero!

12.  You are most likely to win an award at Cannes. What would it be?

Best movie adaptation of an award-winning book!

Lisa's latest ebook series, Catch Me If You Cannes is out now! Check out my review here! Feel free to tweet her, she's lovely. (@LisaWritesStuff)
