Blog Tour: The Dish by Stella Newman - Interview

Stella Newman's books have always been a delectable treat and she's here on my blog today, talking about her favourite food and her new book, The Dish!

1.    All three of your books feature food! Are you a foodie?

Oh my goodness, yes! The women in my family were/are very good home cooks, (sadly I’m less so) – but I basically grew up obsessed with food. I love eating out – particularly when it involves spicy food – and London has so many brilliant options.

Work wise, my career started in advertising, but through various twists of fate I ended up five years ago with one of my dream jobs – as a Product Developer for a large supermarket. I was literally paid to eat pasta. I put on 15 pounds but enjoyed every minute of it! And I have a flat full of cookery books. So yes – I am a (greedy) foodie!

2.    Can you tell us a bit about The Dish?

The Dish is a romantic comedy about a restaurant critic, Laura Parker, who falls for a head chef, Adam Bayley. Laura is a very down to earth girl, and Adam works at London’s most pretentious, over-priced restaurant – so there’s already conflict, but there are a whole lot more obstacles in their path.

3.    What can readers expect from The Dish?

Comedy, food, romance, a sparky heroine, a gorgeous blue-eyed love-interest, and more food. Oh, and London’s best custard doughnut. And did I mention food?

4.    If you could prepare a dish to serve your favourite author, what would you make and why?

I’d cook for the brilliant Anne Tyler, and I’d make Nancy Silverton’s duck ragu – it takes about three days to prepare, but is one of the best pasta dishes I’ve ever eaten and I believe is worthy of Anne Tyler.

5.    Dessert time! What's your favourite dessert of all time and where did you have it? 

Oh I love this question! But it’s hard to answer…. I think actually it would be the chocolate bread pudding at the Gramercy Tavern in New York, which has an intense dark chocolate flavour, a light as air texture, a beautiful chocolate sauce and then the textural contrast of cocoa nibs in the ice cream. It’s making me drool just thinking about it.

6.    What are you currently working on? Could you give us a sneak peek?

Ooh, it’s book four! (I can’t quite believe that myself!) It’s about two friends, at very different points in their work and love lives – who find themselves on a bit of a quest. There’s food, comedy, some rubbish men and a few good ones… It’s very much work in progress, but stay tuned!

7.    Quickfire Round!

- Gelato or granita?
Gelato, preferably chocolate or hazelnut, preferably in Italy.
- White or dark chocolate? Or milk?
You’re asking me to choose between my favourite children, very King Lear…I’d have to say milk.
- Most cooked dish?
Pasta, pasta, pasta!  Spaghetti Bolognese, with a 4 hour ragu – amazing.
- Favourite lipstick?
I’m rubbish with lipstick – but I am partial to lip balm – preferably Terry’s Rose one, costs a small fortune but I make one pot last a year.
- One thing you can't leave your house without.
My keys, and a black coffee, and some printed pages of my latest manuscript to edit on the tube…

The Dish is out now in paperback and eBook!
