Blog Tour: The Last Honeytrap by Louise Lee - Interview

To celebrate the publication of Louise Lee's debut novel, The Last Honeytrap, I've got the lovely opportunity to interview the author herself. Here's what we talked about!

1.  Can you describe The Last Honeytrap in less than 10 words?

Bridget Jones meets James Bond (with how-to notes).

2.  What can readers expect from The Last Honeytrap?

Plot. Twists. Laughs. A thorough education in life, and in being a private investigator. But mostly, expect the unexpected – The Last Honeytrap is edgy and Florence Love has a fresh voice – a voice I think readers will agree is unexpectedly honest.

3.  If you can cast an actress to play your heroine, Florence Love, who would it be?

Although everyone has been a contender (family and friends included), I’d love to see Natalie Dormer in the role. She plays Margaery Tyrell in the Game of Thrones and is mesmerising – unconventionally beautiful, intelligent, with a thoroughly mischievous wit, just like Florence.

4.  Could you share with us your book deal moment?

Disbelief. I’ve been writing for almost twenty years and, like most writers, could wallpaper the living room with rejection letters. I was prepared never to be published. Then when it happened, it happened so quickly I think I got left behind. I’m still celebrating the fact I got myself an agent, never mind the book deal!

5.  If you could invite anyone, living or dead, to have dinner with you, who would it be?

This is HUGE! And I feel unfaithful to my other nine fantasy dinner guests, especially Cleopatra and Will.I.Am. But I’ll go for a young Spike Milligan - he's a genius for so many reasons and looked just like my Grandad Lee.

6.  Quickfire Round!
Coffee or tea?
Tea - coffee smells nice, but tastes like petrol
A night out with your girlfriends or a quiet night in with a good book?
A night out with my pals (I spend most nights in with a book!)
Leather or lace?
Please darling, leather.
Current desktop background?
Favourite cocktail?
Vodka Martini (with three olives)
Favourite telly show?
Game of Thrones

The Last Honeytrap is out now in paperback and Kindle.
