Blog Tour - Mile High by Rebecca Chance - Interview

MHMile High is Rebecca Chance's latest bonkbuster and I reckon it will be sexy as hell with steamy naughty bits, leading heroes to drool over and plot twists a many. As part of the blog tour, I got the chance to have a little Q&A with the author herself!

  1. Describe Mile High in less than 10 words.

    High jinks, thrills and a stalker at thirty thousand feet!

  2. What inspired you to write a book set on an plane?

    My flight attendant friends and their outrageously entertaining stories about their lives on board, celebrities behaving badly, slutty pilots and all!

  3. Could you share with us what you're currently working on?

    My next glamorous thriller, which is based around Elizabeth Taylor's magnificent jewel auction. I've been introduced to the PR who ran it for her and have all sorts of fascinating behind-the scenes details to include. And for the first time, I have a sexy villain, who I hope the readers will love to hate!

Mile High is out now on paperback and eBook.
