Top Ten Tuesday: Resolutions I Have For 2016

TTTTop Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature run by the wonderful bloggers over at The Broke and the Bookish and this week, it is my first time participating so here goes! For more information regarding Top Ten Tuesday, please check out The Broke and the Bookish blog – they are amazing.

Hello and welcome to this week's Top Ten Tuesday and the theme for this week is my resolutions for the new year! Oh, which I seriously doubt I'll fulfill every single one of them but here's hoping that I do. Let's get started!

Coming in at number 1. Stop getting books that I won't read.

This has happened from time to time, especially when I go to book sales and there are quite a number of them here in Malaysia. Like the Big Bad Wolf Sale in December? Or the one Popular started recently, The RM5 English Book Fiesta where all books are RM5, which is about $1.15 in the US and 78p in the UK? Therefore, in 2016, I will recite this mantra before I spend my money on books I don't really need. "Do I need this? Do I really need this?" but in the end, the devilish Kevin on one side of my shoulder would convince me with a wicked grin.. "It's only RM5/RM8.. It's so cheap. It's an investment, what if you decide on getting it later and you regret it..?" Flipping hell.

2. Read more books!

Easier said than done. I always envy those people who read about 200-300 books a year. Like, fuck me. I can barely reach 100 a year. OK, I did in 2014 and it was an achievement but still, that amount of books would require insane, god-like reading speeds and a shitload of time. However, I will try to complete my Goodreads Challenge this year. Again. Now, how many books should I pledge to read this year?

3. Blog more and don't let my baby, Bookevin die.

I feel like I've been neglecting my blog for a while now and I vow to put more effort into blogging. 2014 was a good year for me since I had a 9-month break from my studies before enrolling into Uni and when I got into Uni, it was bye-bye books and hello lecture notes. It's difficult but I can't not do something I love. If you're up for guest posts and other exciting, fun stuff, like Top Ten Tuesday, do hit me up!

4. Be more active in the bookish community on social media!

Towards the end of 2015, I was really fortunate to join a flipping awesome book group called MyBibliomaniacs, consisting of fellow Malaysian readers who would go broke for books and they are just filling to the brim with enthusiasm and passion for books. I missed that and I'm glad to be a part of their bookish family. Therefore, I pledge to be more in tune with bookish happenings in 2016. And finally tweet more as my Twitter account is gathering dust. Poor sad birdy.

5. Save up!

As you know, living on a university student's allowance, I can hardly spend that much money on books as I want. I shall save up more and really treat myself to a book or two every month. Instead of splurging on books on a daily basis (which I don't do..).

6. Be more productive, Kev.

I would promise myself to be more productive every day. That includes reading, just because finishing a book is productive. Especially when I write my review too! Maybe I should think of other fun and bookish things I can do. Like write more? But heck, I delete everything I write.

Which brings us to number 7. Keep a journal.

I've always liked the idea of keeping a journal because I will feel really motivated to write in it! But then when I think about my hideous writing tainting the pages, I feel foul. Horrendous writing aside, I promise myself to keep a journal, whether to pen down some of my utmost random thoughts or write down my favourite quotes from the books I've read. Now, who wants to take me out shopping for a journal? Typo has some really cute ones.

8. Revise my review format.

I do this from time to time and when I read other bloggers' reviews, I get a pang of jealous, wishing I had something so cool and structured and organised. Like the saying goes, out with the old and in with the new. This year, I would really think deeply on what I could do to make my reviews more fun and interesting and eye-catching. Should I insert gifs to make them more amusing? Who knows? *smirks*

I think 8 should be enough, yes? It's not like I'd complete every single one of my resolutions. OKAY, fine. I'll add one more.

9. Read the Harry Potter series.

I've read them when I was younger but I think a reread is in order just so I can fully immerse myself in the Harry Potter universe and comprehend what I've read. Like, fully comprehend and understand the books. Maybe I'll even get the boxed set with my book vouchers. Hmm. MAYBE.

Or two.

10. Let my creative streak run wild!

OK, if I had one, I would. Here's hoping that I'd be more crafty and creative. Maybe I should pick up a hobby that isn't reading? Like drawing or something equally fun. I did glass painting in 2015 and it was so much fun. So here's hoping that 2016 would let me wave my creativity flag high.

So these are my 2016 resolutions. As you can see, most of them are rather bookish but then hey, I'm bookish. What are your 2016 resolutions?


  1. I really need to save more money as well! Mostly for buying more books, but also for traveling and all that! I really wanna be active on social media as well, especially in this book blogging community! PS: I didn't make a TTT this week but here is my 2016 resolutions.

  2. Your TTT looks amazing and you're definitely creative! It's really hard to save up on a university allowance, just be good to yourself while you're doing all this, okay? I think you're being really productive!

    Thanks for stopping by my Top Ten Tuesday!

  3. I'm so excited that you have joined the Top Ten Tuesday train :D Your resolutions sound very reasonable so I hope you can achieve all of them!

  4. Hello, Jenna! I'm so glad I joined the TTT train! Everyone is so friendly and I get to interact with fellow bloggers!

  5. Hello, Tiff! Thank you so much, you are too kind!

    Sure, I'll keep that in mind and treat myself once in a while :)

    Thanks for stopping by too, it means a lot!

  6. Heh. Of course we all do. We bookish people spend most of our money on books anyway!

  7. Great resolutions! I also want to blog and read more, and especially be more productive-I'm awful at managing my time well. Harry Potter is such a great series, I really hope you enjoy them. Thanks for stopping by my post!

  8. Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday! Good luck with all your 2016 goals.
    My TTT:


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