Book Haul - March 2016

Hello, my bookish nerds!

Hope you've had a great bookish March and I can't wait to share with you what I got last month. Well, most of them are review copies, but I did splurge on some books when I got my book vouchers.

I really need to continue with The Mortal Instruments series before I can start on the gloriously huge copy of Lady Midnight I received. So that's why I got City of Ashes from Carousell - because I need it. It is essential in my continuing the series and fuel my inner fanboy feels.


I read and loved The Wrath and the Dawn by Renée Ahdieh - it's stunning! Do check out my review here. I am particularly excited for Geek Girl #5: Head Over Heels by Holly Smale because Harriet Manner is the queen of awkwardness and clever wit.

Beautiful Broken Things by Sara Barnard has one of the most swoonworthy covers I've seen in a while and I am totally in love with the cover in all its gold splendour. You can read my review here!

If you've not heard of The Lifeboat Clique, you should. It's at the top of my TBR pile because it sounds so good. Think Mean Girls on a lifeboat. Girl, the drama. I can't wait to start on it!

On with the next pile (I know, I am unstoppable. My bookish friend, Malie who is a Booktuber - check her out, she's wonderful!) told me that I've got my book buying game on. Ha! Which brings me to my buying Ten Thousand Skies Above You because she has been fangirling so hard about the Firebird series, so I thought, why not? My bookish sister/twinsie, Kimberly got me a copy of A Thousand Pieces of You because she's amazing and I'm awesome (Thank you, Kimmy Bear!) If you want to check out my review of A Thousand Pieces of You, here you go!)

I've heard nothing but great things about Emery Lord so I am thrilled and incredibly lucky enough to review When We Collided!


I bought A Thousand Nights by E. K. Johnston because it's the selected book for my bookish group's May read-a-long, so why not own that glorious copy of A Thousand Nights, Kev? As for the duology, Eon and Eona Alison Goodman, highly recommended my bookish twinsie, Kimmy. I have heard great things about it and I need to find out why - also, it's got dragons and it's inspired by the Chinese zodiac and it sounds fucking amazing.

I've been eyeing Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo, the first book in the Grisha trilogy, for a while now so I finally got it. Russian-esque setting and magic, what's not to love? I received These Vicious Masks by Kelly Zekas and Tarun Shanker and The Great American Whatever by Tim Federle for review and they sound good. These Vicious Masks is the love child of a Jane Austen novel and X-Men and the cover is just LUSH.

So, what bookish goodies did you get in March or recently? Let me know because I just love looking at people's hauls. If you're on Instagram, come say hi! I'm @bookevin_ and I'd love to meet you there!


  1. I liked Shadow And Bone ! Which reminds me I should probably go read the rest of the series T_T and hahaha The Wrath and The Dawn was the opposite for me unfortunately ! xD You can find my review here LOVE UR BOOK HAUL looks aaamazingg!

  2. Awesome book haul! I need The Lifeboat Clique! I also still need to read A Thousand Pieces of You. I really hope once I do that I absolutely love the book, because I need the second book, because the cover is AMAZING! I really want to get The Great American Whatever too!

  3. Hey, Ashley! The Lifeboat Clique sounds amazing, doesn't it? I hope it's good.

    You HAVE to read ATPOY. I'm reluctant to pick up TTSAY because I'll have to wait until Nov for the final book 😂😂

  4. Probably a good reason why I keep buying books and never reading them, haha. I'm scared I'll love the book so much and the wait for the next book will KILL ME! Hahah. I want to start all of these series, but then I don't want to wait forever for the next books to release! Sigh. Book nerd problems. :P


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