Review - Head Over Heels (Geek Girl #5) by Holly Smale

HOHHead Over Heels by Holly Smale
Publisher: HarperCollins Children's Books (7th Apr 2016)

Harriet Manners knows almost every fact there is.

She knows duck-billed platypuses don’t have stomachs.
She knows that fourteen squirrels were once detained as spies.
She knows that both chess and snakes and ladders were invented in the same country.

And for once, Harriet knows exactly how her life should go. She’s got it ALL planned out. So her friends seem less than happy, Harriet is determined to Make Things Happen!

If only everyone else would stick to the script…

But is following the rules going to break hearts for Geek Girl?

It is an undeniable fact that I am a huge fan of Holly Smale's Geek Girl series. Well, why wouldn't I be a fan of a series that is unbelievably witty and funny, with a heroine that should come with a warning, what with all her awful, untimely misfortunes and moments of sheer triumph? I can't believe that Head Over Heels is the fifth book in the series, dating back to 2012, when the first book was published. Harriet Manners has come a long way, folks.

Head Over Heels picks up where the previous book, All That Glitters ends and we find Harriet, the ever-enthusiastic leader of the JINTH pack and organiser of all things fun and exciting! She has finally found her friends and she's living life as a Sixth Former, dealing with friends, school, family and "modelling".

One of the things that made me like Harriet is that she's so relatable and awkward that sometimes I do feel for her, when I'm not too busy laughing as I read. In Head Over Heels, I realised how far Harriet has come since she was discovered as a model under a table and now, she's grown so much and it's given me an extreme sense of nostalgia for this geek girl.

It rattles one more time, and – with an enormous bang – there’s an explosion of colour: of bright, beautiful reds and blues and greens and yellows and pinks, purples and oranges and golds, until it feels like this time I'm coated in them from the inside out.

I don’t want to live without colour.

I don’t want to live without love, without joy, without adventure, without excitement, without surprises.

Without everything that makes life bright.

I have always been a huge fan of Harriet and Lion Boy, but at the end of All That Glitters, it was quite heartbreaking to find out that things weren't going well with them and there's a possible love interest for Harriet! And thank God that Harriet gets another chance at love in Head Over Heels because I was totally shipping them at the end. Talking about romance in Head Over Heels, I was ever so thrilled when Toby was given an arc in the book because he is undoubtedly one of my favourites in the series, second to Harriet's Japanese friend, Rin whose English is just as adorable and kooky as she is.

Filled with fun and interesting facts, I do wonder how much effort and time Holly Smale put into researching for her books. Impressive, Smale. Once again, Holly Smale delivers another triumph. Since the next one will be the last book in the series, I am really looking forward to see each and every one of the gang get their happy endings!

I'd like to thank HarperCollins UK for sending me a copy in exchange for an honest review.
