Top Ten Tuesday - Favourite 2016 Releases So Far

TTT CoverTop Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature run by the wonderful bloggers over at The Broke and the Bookish and this week, it is my first time participating so here goes! For more information regarding Top Ten Tuesday, please check out The Broke and the Bookish blog – they are amazing.

Donkeys and monkeys! It's been fucking ages since I did a Top Ten Tuesday post. Phew. University and assignments have got out of hand as of late, hence, my being inactive on updating my blog but don't worry! I am back. For now.

This week's topic is... my favourite books of 2016. So far. So, here's goes..

ACOMAF1. A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas

Oh, thank you to the universe and stars for this amazing, spellbinding book that made me fall in love with Sarah J. Maas's a little bit more.

ACOMAF was glorious and everything I expected from the sequel of ACOTAR, a spellbinding book that made blew me away.

Not only was I completely in love with ACOMAF, I had a stonking book hangover after reading it. BEST BOOK OF 2016. So far.

Here is how I fanboyed over how much I loved ACOMAF.

2. Girl Against the Universe by Paula StokesGATU

Paula Stokes's new one which centres around Maguire, a disaster-prone heroine who thinks she's bad luck and believes that she should come with a warning.

Girl Against the Universe is a heartwarming story of believing in yourself, accepting and dealing with loss and learning to live again.

Plus, the romance was adorable and it's a book about tennis. Insta-love. Here's my review of Girl Against the Universe.

TUE3. The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson

My first ever book by Morgan Matson and I have to say, I was hugely impressed with what I read. The Unexpected Everything was everything I wanted from a summer read and it was  great in every way.

The romance was sweet. The book explored various themes such as love, loss and friendship.

AND DOGS. Lots of dogs that made me go "awwww". Which is rare for me because my heart is a frozen pit of darkness which is so cold, it could even freeze hell.

You can check out my review here.

4. Stars Above by Marissa MeyerSA

I started the year mourning over the end of The Lunar Chronicles because I was so emotionally invested in the entire series last year and I finished Winter earlier this year.

Stars Above was all kinds of awesome and it brought back memories and the feels I had when I was reading The Lunar Chronicles.

The never-been-published stories and short stories was a nostalgic read and I have the strongest urge to reread the series now.

Find out what I loved about Stars Above here.

I think that's about it, guys. I don't think I could hit 10 books because I've only read 20 books that were published in 2016 and these are the ones that made the cut.

What about you? What were your favourites of 2016 so far?


  1. I'm really excited to read Girl Against The Universe and The Unexpected Everything, both sound so, so good <3 I only read Cinder for now, but I do plan to read the rest of the series soon, I'm so glad to hear you liked it so much :)

  2. I really enjoyed 'The Unexpected Everything' too! And it was my first Morgan Matson book also. So cute!

  3. I am so excited to start reading The Unexpected Everything. I need my yearly dose of Morgan Matson and her books make the perfect summer read. I still need to get myself a copy of Stars Above and immerse myself in the Lunar Chronicles world again. :D

  4. So glad you liked Stars Above. I've been saving it because I don't want to let go of the series. I can't wait to read The Unexpected Everything, dogs are my weakness! Great list this week.

  5. Oh, after The Unexpected Everything, I would love to try her other books. Thanks for dropping by!

  6. Dogs in books are wonderful! Hope you enjoy it!

  7. I haven't read any of these but ACOMAF is on my TBR!
    My TTT:


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