Top Ten Tuesday: 10 Bookish Facts about Me

Hello, chickens. I'm back with this week's Top Ten Tuesday. Once again, thanks to the lovely lot over at The Broke and the Bookish!

TTT Cover

1. I am a proud Ravenclaw! According to Pottermore, my Hogwarts house is Ravenclaw, where the colours blue and bronze look fucking good on us and we cherish wisdom, intelligence and creativity. I was quite upset when I didn’t get housed in Horned Serpent, the Ilvermony equivalent to Ravenclaw. I got Thunderbird instead. Boo.

2. I used to blog about women’s fiction b­­­ooks on my previous blog, I Heart.. Chick Lit but now I’ve switched to blogging about the best genre in the universe: YA.

ACOMAF3. My auto-buy author is the incredibly talented Sarah J. Maas. I am a huge SJM fanboy.

4. If I had to reread a book series for the rest of my life, it would be Harry Potter.

5. My biggest bookish other half is Rhysand from Sarah J. Maas’s A Court of Thorns and Roses series. Hello, Rhy darling.

6. My most prized bookish item has to be my entire Sarah J. Maas collection because each and every book was signed by the queen herself when she came to Malaysia in March. And she’s the only author I’ve ever met.

[caption id="attachment_2790" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Jpeg Sneaked a selfie with the queen herself and Papa Maas![/caption]

7. I have a dream of working in NYC, in the publishing industry, hopefully with the fucktastic awesome bookish people at Epic Reads.

8. I may have had one too many Harry Potter dreams. The last one I had was about dragons and duelling with Dolores Umbridge, that cow.

9. I need a new bookshelf. Two of my bookshelves are full and probably inwardly cursing me for squishing so many books into them.

10. I am a librocubilarist – I like to read in bed. Yes, that word exists.

I could come up with 50 random facts about me but I had such a hard time thinking of 10 bookish facts! What are YOUR bookish facts that I should know about?


  1. Ravenclaw, yessss! :D
    That's awesome that you got all of your Maas books signed! :) I'm not as big a fan as you are, but to be fair I only read two books so far. Throne of Glass wasn't that great though and I haven't gotten around to checking out the others. I still want to give the series a chance though, so we'll see if my thoughts change.

  2. You have to, Ashley. ToG was just the beginning of everything!

  3. Everyone says it gets better, so we'll see. I do have a copy of Crown of Midnight!

  4. Haha! No time like the present. Since Book 5 will be out soon!

  5. WE HAVE THE SAME DREAM. working with the Epic Reads team would be THE BEST <3

  6. I hope your dream comes true! I'm honestly not a fan of crowded cities, so no NYC for me, but working for a huge publishing house would indeed be incredible :D Cool pic with SJM and her hubby!

  7. Working in a publishing house is a dream come true! And in NYC!

  8. There's a word that means reading in bed? hahah I need to remember that one. Priceless :D

  9. I so get what you mean by wanting to be part of the Epic Reads team. They're like the bookish dream team haha. I will also be adding librocubilarist to my vocabulary list now. :P

  10. I'm the opposite of a librocubilarist. I easily fall asleep when I read in bed. XD

  11. Hah! I can't read anywhere besides the comfort of my bed or my house. I feel strangely distracted if I read outside.

  12. Epic Reads are the epitome of cool YA people, yo.

  13. You're welcome! Ha! You're such an interesting person!

  14. I'm a Hufflepuff - and I am far to pasty to look very good in yellow - as for Ilvermorny, I'm also in Thunderbird.

    Check out my TTT.

  15. Hey ! ^^ It looks like we have the same tastes. SJM is the best, I love everything about her writing. Also, she created Rhysand. I could love her just for that.
    I love Chick-lit but it's hard to find something original in this genre. If you have any to recommend, please do.

  16. Hey! I used to be a huge fan of chick lit but once I discovered YA, I defected. Sarah J. Maas is just incredible.


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