Waiting on Wednesday #14

Waiting on Wednesday is a meme hosted by Jill at Breaking The Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that everyone’s excited about!


I feel like it's been ages since I did a Waiting on Wednesday post and I seriously need to up my blogging game. I wish I could read and blog every single day but this semester in Uni is just terrifying and stressful and on some days, I can't even deal with anything.

But it's almost the end of the semester and I just need to pull through so wish me luck! I have 6 assignments to submit in the span of two weeks. Goodbye, sleep. Goodbye, books.

This week's Waiting on Wednesday is a book that I am dying to read because it's been getting so much love and the plot sounds absolutely stunning. It's none other than..

Forest of a Thousand Lanterns by Julie C. Dao


Blurb from Goodreads:
Eighteen-year-old Xifeng is beautiful. The stars say she is destined for greatness, that she is meant to be Empress of Feng Lu. But only if she embraces the darkness within her. Growing up as a peasant in a forgotten village on the edge of the map, Xifeng longs to fulfil the destiny promised to her by her cruel aunt, the witch Guma, who has read the cards and seen glimmers of Xifeng's majestic future. But is the price of the throne too high?

Because in order to achieve greatness, she must spurn the young man who loves her and exploit the callous magic that runs through her veins--sorcery fueled by eating the hearts of the recently killed. For the god who has sent her on this journey will not be satisfied until his power is absolute.


Doesn't it sound fantastic? An Asian fantasy novel with really dark tones and magic? Sign me up, please!

Forest of a Thousand Lanterns is out on 10th Oct 2017, published by Philomel Books, an imprint of Penguin Random House.


  1. Every time I see this cover my heart weeeeeps! πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€— we're all anxiously awaiting this beauty, I hope it's just as stunning on the inside 🀞🏼Great pick Kev! *high fives ya*

  2. Hey, Lilly! I just need this book like air because I adore fantasy and this one is a Chinese inspired story! <3

  3. I know! I emailed for it back when she announced arcs were available. Last I heard was a email from Her digital editor at Penguin...something like that lol asking us to officially place our bids for it so I did & now I wait *taps fingers* lol

  4. Same here but I have a feeling that it's going to be hard to get an ARC since everyone wants to read it! I am keeping my fingers crossed for the both of us, Lilly <3

  5. I agree, I'll keep mine crossed for us both as well KevinπŸ€žπŸΌπŸ€žπŸΌπŸ€žπŸΌπŸ˜„

  6. I really hope we get it. Heh. Anyway, how are you? I saw your Goodreads update that you finished Noteworthy!

  7. I'm ok, reading a bit for the night. I finished Noteworthy yesterday, it's a 4 star only because Jordan aka Julian (main protog) was a little boring in the beginning but by the halfway point she won me over lol. The cast of characters was so fleshed out that I miss those guys already 😩😩😩 will be reviewing soon. How are you? what are you reading?

  8. That sounds really good. I've heard nothing but great things about Noteworthy! I am currently drowning with assignments but I am trying to finish The Rose Society by Marie Lu. I am enjoying it so far!

  9. It's worth the praise considering all of the tough topics it tackles, the ones we so rarely see in YA books πŸ˜‰ I have shamefully not read any Marie alt yet πŸ™ˆI was a few feet away from her booth last year at Bookcon & couldn't bring myself to say hi because I hadn't read any of her books 😩lol. I need to get on that asap. Drowning in assignments sounds...scary lol, I wish you all the energy in the world to push through πŸ˜‰

  10. It's okay, Lilly. Just take your time with tackling older books. I have so many, I just wish I had the time after everything is settled to read, read and read. Also, thank you, boo! <3

  11. Thanks Kevin lol, that would be a dream come true πŸ™ƒπŸ™‚πŸ™ƒ you're very welcome πŸ˜‰πŸ’•

  12. AHH yes of course! I was thinking, what could this book be?!
    I'm so excited for this too. I know Shenwei has read it already and they really loved it, so I cannnnnnot wait too. <3

  13. This is one of my favorite covers this year. Gorgeous!

  14. Yes yes yes!!! I can't wait to start this! It sounds so amazing plus Julie is so darn sweet. Great choice, Kevin πŸ‘

  15. Hey, Sarah! It's stunning and the book sounds really promising. I want it so badly!

  16. Yes, I couldn't agree more because colours are so vibrant!

  17. I need this book like air right now. Asian SFF is so rare so I look forward to seeing how Julie surprises us all with her book!

  18. This sounds amazing! And the cover!! 😍😍😍

  19. Great pick for this week. I feel like I've been seeing this book around a lot recently, and everyone seems to be really excited for it as well. The blurb sounds amazing, and I love the cover as well so already I have high hopes for this one. I'll definitely be adding this to my to-read list! :D

  20. I know the author from Twitter and she's lovely as well! And I've read the teaser chapter on EW and it was fantastic.


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